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"Come on, Eli, let's go," I slapped her bum making her move faster up the stairs.


This is it.

New start.


Me and Eliza have been best friends since time began, we were born in the same hospital, lived together here and there, same schools, same friends, same enemies, same choices. She's always been the louder one. I've always been the quieter one, because I'm generally a more closed off person but if I get to know you, I'm even louder and freakier than Eli.

But first impressions matter most.

We're both 18, finished sixth form and starting uni in a couple months. It took mum a few months to persuade her to let me leave Leicester to come live in London with Eli. But she said yeah eventually so it was fine. I'm ballin', you know, £500,000 in my credit card and dad's putting more in when he gets back from Nigeria.

I know that a lot of money but I'm not a big spender. My brothers gave me a few bags each and I've worked my nyash off all summer. I can't die for uni, man.

We went on a big shopping spree while we were in Leicester and bought everything and anything, even stuff we didn't need.

I swear we've been unpacking for, like, three hours and my back kills. Since we started unpacking, four boys have been hanging around the corner watching us and shit. I dunno, I kinda like the attention but I don't at the same time cos I don't really feel that cute right now. I'm wearing the basic, lazy bitch outfit: basic runner shorts and a basic t shirt. My hairs tied up in a messy, loose bun, just to get it out of my face and I don't have anything but lip gloss on my face.

I could tell Eli was loving the attention. As usual. This hoe already got her bodycount up in 2-digits.

"Last two boxes, we can do this, baby!" I called to her, going back out the door.

"Fuck, how much stuff did we bring?" she moaned, following me out the door.

"I know," I laughed, pulling out £20 from my pocket to give the driver. I gave him the money, thanked him and went to the back of the van again. There was a small box of plastic plates, bowls, forks, spoons and knives, you know for those days you can't be arsed to wash shit up.

"Eli, close the van door!" I called. "I can't carry this shit by myself,"

I guess she didn't hear me cos she didn't come to help me shut the back of the van.

I rolled my eyes and attempted to close the boot door with my foot and failed, dropping the box. All our plastic cutlery emptied out of the box. "Eliza!" I called as I heard her laughing as she entered the apartment. "This bitch," I bent over and began to pick our shit up.

The boys in the corner got louder and whooped. I didn't realize it was to me till I felt someone secure me.

"What the fuck, nigga?" I stood up and looked at the guy. "Can you not," I frowned, feeling hella exposed.

I should've just worn my Nike tracksuit.

"Chill, did you die tho?" he asked, stepping back. I studied his face for half a second. He was a darkie, tall and peng. He just gave off a dark and dangerous attitude but I could tell that he's a joker at the same time.

"Do I know you tho?" I shook my head. "Bye,"

He laughed and came closer to me. Another boy walked up and grabbed the back of the first guy's neck.

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