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"Why are you so fucking immature?" Tyreik pushed me off the sofa, causing me to land on my bum.

"Hey, that hurt!" I whined.

"Does it look like I give a fuck?" he laughed.

I hit his leg.

"Suck my dick, bitch," he looked at his phone.

"Suck your mum," I got up and kissed my teeth.

He grabbed my waist and sat me down. "I don't wanna hear that again,"

I laughed. "Why are you even here? All you do is play FIFA and eat our food. Don't you have a home to go to?"

"That's a bit of a sticky one, not gonna lie," he breathed through closed teeth. "Remember Tara?"

"The 16 year old that's also my cousin's stepsister?" I asked, giving him a 'you should be ashamed of yourself' look. He's always out beating underage girls, 16 is probably the oldest minor he's ever gone for.

"Yeah, man,"

"Lemme guess, you got clocked clarting her and now the feds are looking for you," I wouldn't be surprised if I was right.

He widened his eyes. "All I heard was the sirens, Ti!" he said dramatically. "I went home and saw some jakes in my living room, they didn't see me, but my mum did and she told me to leave. So I had dash, fam,"

"You chat the most shit," I laughed. "Even if that did happen, your mum would be the one ringing up the feds,"

"Lowe me, man," he rubbed the back of his neck. "On my mum's life, my job's not paying me enough, all the electricity at my yard got turned off and now they're turning off my hot water. Wallahi, this living alone thing is hard,"

"Ahlie," I agreed.

"That's why I be out here hustling,"

"Yeah, hustling by eating my food?" I asked sarcastically.

"Yeah, duh," he nodded.

"You're done out ere," I shook my head, frowning in disappointment causing him to laugh. "So you do come here just to play FIFA and eat my food," I asked. "Well, I mean, you're welcome. Just know you're gonna have to start paying for all of this, it's not a free yard," I reminded him.

He kissed his teeth. "Not gonna lie, though. I've been thinking about shotting for real. I used to shot at school, you know, may as well do it now,"

"You? Tyreik?" I raised my eyebrow at him.

"You know, you're the only one that calls me that. And my marj," he laughed. Everyone calls him Rico.

"No, Rico, listen. I'm being serious. School wasn't shit, you made it so bait you had stuff on you all the time."

He shrugged. "I got p and I still have a connect,"

"You're not serious. You'll get yourself killed," I shook my head.

"Aight, who wants weed?" I heard Jordan walk through the front door and I'm guessing Gram, Gray and Keem were there too.

"Yo, peng ting," Gray greeted me as he came through the hallway, into the lounge. He stopped once he saw Tyreik.

"Hey," I looked at them. "How do you man always find a way in? I swear I locked the door."

"Eli gave Gram a key," Jordan came towards Gray, holding 2 bags of chicken and chips.

"Ooh, she gave him a key?" I asked. They've got so serious so fast.

"Wa'gwan," Jordan greeted Tyreik as he nodded at me.

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