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I'm happy. Like, so happy. Everything's finally gone right in my life.

My mum actually loves Keem. My whole family does... except Tyrese but I guess he has his reasons, no matter how stupid they are. I'm surprised by how well Keem got along with Adrien and Amaris, Lexi too.

I really see myself living the rest of my life with this man. Even though I'm only 18, I don't think I could ask for anything more for the rest of my life.

We were on our way back from Lei, not far from Keem's yard. We were sitting in comfortable silence, some grime tune was playing quietly from the aux.

As Keem pulled into his driveway, I sensed something was a little off. The street was more empty than usual but had a lot of parked cars all around... not saying it's anything wrong, but it didn't feel normal.

Keem noticed it too but didn't say anything. "Yo, go inside, lemme call someone real quick," he said, pulling his phone out as he parked in the driveway.

"Okay," I said in a soft voice and went outside the car, the house key in my hand. I saw three black identical vans opposite his house and two  identical dark grey BMWs literally outside Keem's door.

I looked around, not knowing whether to tell Keem I felt weird or just go inside. I put the key in the door and turned it the opened the door. I heard the car door as Keem got out the car.

"Police! Police! Put your hands up!" I heard someone shout followed by commotion.

I spun round and saw, when I say troops, I mean, I saw about 30 niggas come out of the vehicles around the street coming towards Keem. I'm not even talking policemen, but them ones that wear full black and carry guns.

A fucking SWAT team.

"What the fuck?" I heard Keem.

"Put your hands up now!" I heard again.

"Keem!" I looked at him, going towards him by instinct.

"Miss, move away!" someone shouted at me, sending me chills down my entire body. "Now!"

"Yo, don't fucking talk to her like that-" Keem said, tryna come towards me.

"Move! Now!" I heard someone else yell at me. I heard guns trigger and felt someone pulling me back.

"Don't fucking touch her!" Keem shouted.

"Put your hands up!" another voice shouted.

Keem put his hand behind his head as he scowled. "I didn't do shit, why the fuck are you man tryna- Get the fuck off me, blud!" Keem was cut off as a policeman grabbed him and pushed him forcefully against his own car.

"Jakim King, you are being arrested under suspicion of the murder of Yusef Waheed and Hussen Abdallah,"

"What the fuck? Yusef? They're dead?" Keem looked genuinely confused. "Nah, you've got the wrong nigga, Yusef's my brother,"

The policeman continued. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning."

"You've got the wrong person!" Keem tried to get out of the man's grip. "Yo!" Keem looked at me. "Ti, I didn't do it, I don't know what's going on,"

I stayed silent, not knowing how to feel. I didn't move, I was still being held tight by one of the policemen and he was actually kinda hurting me.

Another policeman held him down with force as the other one tried to put the handcuffs on Keem.

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