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"Yo, I beg you get Daniel up in here," I said, taking a spliff from Jordan. "And them new other dark skinned niggas... Christian and Joseph,"

"Wa'gwan? You gonna end em or shit?" Gray asked as he and Gram got up to find them.

"Someone's been stealing outta the stock," Jordan answered. "Of course man's gonna end em,"

I lifted the gun from the glass table in front of me and held it as if I was about to shoot someone. I turned it, examining it as I smoked the spliff and passed it back to Jordan.

The door burst open. "Wa'gwan, rudeboi?" Daniel walked in and greeted us both and spudded us. "Jordan, my drilla, how's the marjay?" he asked.

I've never actually met this nigga, it was Jordan who picked him up. His confidence and thick Birmingham accent surprised me.

"She's good, man, but I still gotta provide, its like that," Jordan answered as the other two niggas walked in after Gram and Gray.

"Yo, he's a big man, you know. On about providing and that, jheez," Daniel nodded, smiling and spudded J again.

"You know how it is," Jordan laughed.

The other two greeted us with less energy and stood beside Daniel.

"You man know why I've called you here, yeah, so imma just ask for the nigga to own up,"

Daniel frowned. "Bro, wa'gwan?" he asked quietly looking at Joseph and Christian. He saw the gun in my hand and stood up straight like the other two.

I already know who did it.

"One more chance, mandem," I looked at my gun again. No one answered. "Aight one by one, tell me where the fuck yous were Friday at 6," I looked at all them with a straight face. "Yo, am I fucking speaking English or are you lot just fucking dickheads?"

"Uh, we didn't know who should speak first," Joseph cleared his throat.

I glared at him.

"Should I start?" Christian asked.

"Nah, den," I said sarcastically. "Listen, I don't wanna have to be killing niggas, there's gonna be blood on the carpet and shit,"

"Um... shit. Oh yeah, I was in my mum's house on Friday. My dad was going to Nigeria so I went to do a couple things over dere," Christian recalled.

"Next," I barked.

"Fam, I don't know," Daniel rubbed the back of his head. "I-I was probably high. Wait, pm or am?" he asked.

"Pm, my nigga," Gram answered.

"Yeah, I was high, my guys, I don't know wa'gwan on Friday, not gonna lie, still,"

I looked at Joseph. He started talking. "I was chilling with my girl. I can call her right now. We went cinema then Nando's," he recalled without hesitation. "Then I went to her yard and piped her,"

I looked back at my gun, cocking the trigger.

"Keem, what happened though?" Joseph asked.

"Someone stole from the stock," I muttered.

Joseph put his hands up. "Yo, it wasn't me, I-"

I shot him, no empathy in me. Daniel stepped back in shock as Joseph dropped to his feet. Christian shut his eyes for a second then sighed.

No one said a word.

"We all know that crusty nigga don't have a girl. See I knew from time he's a snake," I got up and walked to the door. "Chris and Dan, my yg's, clean it up, quicktime," I left the room. "Mandem, see you in a bit, gonna see Ti," I turned round.

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