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I moaned as I heard my phone ringing for the fourth time this night.

"Mama," Keem muttered, half asleep in his deep, sleepy voice. He's so fit, God. "Answer your fucking phone,"

I look at my alarm clock, opposite my bed. This is the first time I've slept at mine and Eli's apartment for a whole week. I've literally spent every day with Keem or Amaya to be honest.

"Can you get it for me," I rubbed my eyes. He turned and picked up my phone from the drawer next to him and gave it to me.

Its Gram. Hm. Why's he calling at 5 in the morning?

"Hello?" I answered. Keem groaned loudly, putting the pillow over his head.

"..." I heard running and heavy breathing . "..."

"Who's this?" I asked. Keem lifted the pillow and looked at me.

"... Gram, I just needed some air, I swear, I wasn't trying to leave you!" I heard Eli, she sounded scared and out breath.

"Eli?" I sat up.

"Why the fuck do you have my phone?!" I heard Gram shout.

"I'm sorry," Eli cried. "I just wanna go home,"

"Its too fucking late now," he really didn't sound like himself.

"Let go of me!" Eli shouted.

"Eli, what's going on?" I asked.

"He's gonna kill Tyrese!" she shouted but was getting quieter as the phone, I'm guessing was taken away from her. "He gonna kill him!"

She hung up.

I got out of the bed searching my phone for Tyrese's number.

"Wa'gwan?" Keem asked.

"I don't know... Eli said Gram's gonna kill Tyrese," I looked at him as I pressed Ty's number.

Keem made an annoyed sound. "Ty's been fucking Eli,"

"What, how do you know?" I asked, walking around the room, waiting for him to answer. "Hello? Keem?"

Keem sighed and shut his eyes.

I looked at him, shocked he wasn't doing anything. "Keem, I don't think you get it. He's gonna kill Tyrese, my blood,"

He didn't say anything.

I kissed my teeth and called Ty again.

"... why the fuck are you ringing me at... 5 in the morning, bitch?" Tyrese asked.

I ignored his rudeness. "What's happened with you and Eli?" I asked.

"Why do you wanna know?" he yawned.

"Ty, I don't have the patience for your bullshit, right now,"

He laughed. "I thought you didn't wanna know what went on with me and her. We beat a couple days ago,"

"Again? Ty, she has a boyfriend," I rolled my eyes.

"Nah, don't put all the blame on me. She came to me, crying. On about some nigga shouting at her and about to hit her," Tyrese stopped. "What's it got to do with you, swear you man fell out?"

"We didn't-" I ran my hand through my hair. "Where is she now?"

"She said she was going back to London yesterday," he said. "Anything I need to know?"


"Baby, gimme the phone," Keem sat up.

I looked at him, knowing he didn't want to help cos Tyrese is his opp.

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