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"What do you mean yous haven't beat yet," Eli asked.

"I mean, we haven't beat yet," I repeated, feeling uncomfortable with the conversation I was having with these horny bastards. Me and Keem have been 'together' for nearly 2 months now. Not every relationship depends on having sex.

"Keem?" Gram asked.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Obviously, Keem, he is her boyfriend," Jordan said.

"Thank you, Jordan," I smiled at him then looked back at Eli and Gram with a straight face. "Why are you man so surprised?"

"This is Keem we're talking about." Gram said.

"I know!" I frowned.

"Basically, he's the definition of fuckboy," Eli explained.

"This guy doesn't do relationships. He beats. If he likes you, yous will beat again, that's it."

I kept frowning.

"There was only one girl he was in a relationship with and she was all over him. Then... shit happened and Keem lost interest in her," Gram told me.

"Who was she?" I asked. "What happened?"

"Don't matter," Gram said.

"Why the fuck would you bring up his ex and say 'don't matter'?" I was getting pissed off now.

"Ti, don't worry about Keem's ex, yeah," Jordan chimed in.

"So what are you saying?" I asked Gram, rolling my eyes.

"I'm not saying anything," he put his hands up. "I'm just confused, cos, no offense, he has a short attention span. I thought he would've gotten bored by now cah you're not nothing special,"

"How are you gonna let your man speak to me like that?" I asked Eli.

I looked at Eli who just shrugged. "What do you want me to do?"

I feel like me and her and becoming more and more distant these days. She's always with Gram and his other friends and their girlfriends and I'm always at home, sometimes with Keem or Rico. She rarely ever sleeps here. She just comes for her clothes. I bet she's only here right now cos Gram's here.

But I'm not hurt. We've all gotta move on. She's still my best friend but we're just not as close, I guess.

I got up and started going to my room. "You man are all fucking snakes, don't chat to me," I didn't look at any of them and went upstairs.

"Ti, we didn't mean it like that-" I heard Eli but entered my room and shut the door. I didn't slam it, cah I'm not angry, I'm just annoyed that they'd be so insensitive.

Oh, well. At least they said it to my face.

I texted Keem.

wht u doing today


I looked at my phone, debating whether I should go to his yard.

u good?

I sighed and licked my lips, mid text when he started FaceTiming me. I answered. "Hi,"

"Wa'gwan?" he sat down on his sofa, eating fries from a chicken and chip box.

"Nothing," I tilted my phone so he could just see me from my eyes upwards.

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