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I let out a loud moan as I woke up, in pain. I had such a bad headache. What even happened last night?

A small flashback of gunshots rang in my ears, causing me to wince.

I stretched, groaning.

It felt good. You know them ones where you squeeze in your bum cheeks and your leg starts shaking.

I finally opened eyes to see Tyrese sat opposite me. Wait, whose bed am I in?

And what the fuck is Tyrese doing here?

I pretended to be asleep again, not wanting a lecture from him. Trust me, this guy would yell at me rather than give me a hug after not seeing me for months.

"Yeah, yeah, bitch, you better stretch real good and get out of this fucking bed," he said, looking up from his phone.

I sighed.

"Yo, can you hear me?" he shook me, speaking in a loud tone.

"Don't fucking shout," I whispered. "I have a headache,"

"Does it look like I give a fuck?" he asked, standing up. The door opened and Keem walked in shirtless. "Who told you to go out and get drunk?" Hu continued.


I attempted to cover myself, feeling like trash.

Wait, why's he here?

Where even am I?

"Nigga, what are you doing?" Tyrese looked annoyed.

"What?" Keem asked in a high tone, really confused. "What have I done?"

"Man, go put a shirt on or something, this is my little sister right here," Tyrese scowled at Keem.

"Blud," Keem brushed him off.

"Man, just get out, I'm talking to Ashanti," Tyrese scowled.

"Nigga, you ain't telling me what to do in my own house," Keem shook his head, amused. "You know if you piss me off, I'll back it out,"

"Try me, nigga, come on," Tyrese pulled out a gun from his back and faced it at Keem.

I widened my eyes in utter shock and confusion. What the fuck is he doing with a gun?!

"You smart, backing out your gun in front of her," Keem nodded once at me.

"You smart, killing a nigga in front of her," Ty argued.

"You lucky Ti's your little sister, man," Keem looked at me.

"You lucky she's here," Ty put his gun back.

"Can someone explain what going on?" I asked.

"No," Tyrese looked at me. "I'm taking you home. Right now,"

"Where even am I?" I asked.

Keem smirked. "My house,"

Oh, shit. Please tell me we didn't fuck. Please. I started "We didn't-"

"No, you didn't." Ty cut me off, reading my mind. "If you did, he'd be dead by now,"

I looked at Keem who was rubbing his neck. He looked so attractive, doing nothing.

Ty's phone started to ring.

"You're lucky I need to take this," Ty started walking out. "Get your shit together, lets go," he left the room. "What the fuck do you want, negro?" he answered his phone.

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