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Me and Keem stayed in silence as he drive to the police station.

There's been something on my mind for a while but I didn't wanna say anything. I don't know why I decided to say it right now. But you know when you just act on impulse?

"Keem?" I said.

"Mm?" he hummed.

"You know Levi?" I said.

"Yeah. What about him?" Keem looked at me for a second.

"He's... he's a bit flirty," I said. "Like, with me. A lot. He always says stuff to me... and I don't really like it,"

"Nah, that's just Levi." Keem said. "He always does that. He's tryna get to know you. Give it a few days and yous are gonna hate each other, I swear," Keem laughed.

I paused. "What? So it's alright for him to chirps with me?" I asked in a surprised tone.

"Nah, obviously not. But I know that's not his intention," Keem said. "I'll tell him to stop though, cah you don't like it,"

Before I could say another word, Keem stopped the car.

"Aight, you're staying in the car," Keem said, pulling up to a police station parking lot as he pulled out his trap phone.

"What do you mean, I'm staying here?" I frowned. "I'm going with you,"

"Nah, BK's a crazy guy. I don't want you near him." Keem said, parking the car behind a tree.

"I'm going with you," I repeated, crossing my arms.

"No, you're staying here," he texted VK through his Nokia brickphone.

"I don't care," I argued.

"Baby girl. I said no." Keem took authority, putting his hand on my thigh. "You're staying here,"

I didn't agree.

"What did I just say?" Keem asked.

"I'm going,"

He gripped my thigh. "What did I say?"

Fam, the way he was saying it only made me wanna keep defying. "I'm going," I stood my ground.

Keem's hand went towards my inner thigh. "What did I say?" he repeated.

"I'm staying," I held my breath.

"Good girl," he smirked. "Daddy's proud," he opened the door and got out.

I crossed my legs and furrowed my brows. Now I'm annoyed and horny. And he's just left me.

A man came out of the police station and went to Keem. They clapsed hands and exchanged a short hug but if you looked closely, Keem gave him a little bag with white powder. Keem said something and VK nodded. He said something and looked at the car.

I knew they couldn't see me through the tinted window, though.

Keem shook his head. VK shrugged. Keem spudded him. VK laughed and said something then turned and went back in. Keem put his hood up and walked back towards the car.

He took off his hood and started the car. "It's calm."

"Okay," I said.

Keem stopped the car and looked at me as if I was about to rant at him. "What?"

"What?" I asked, frowning.

"You're pissed," he said. "Gwan,"

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