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"Keem, I'm not going on the pill. The last time I took it I was so ill." I told him as we came into the house from the clinic, checking if I was pregnant.

I mean, I took the Morning After pill and all but this is the second time. And all cos Keem didn't wanna put on a condom. Okay, yeah, I should try telling him to wear a condom, but it's something he should know to do without being told.

He's a grown man.

But now I think he doesn't even forget about the condom. He doesn't wanna use one. Doesn't he understand that 'no condom' means pregnancy. I'm 18, guys. I'm not planning to have a kid any time soon.

"Try it from a different shop," Keem shrugged slumping onto the couch.

"Its the same shit inside the pill, regardless of where I buy it from. I'm not gonna be ill and have hella headaches just so we can have sex," I stood in front of him.

"You won't need to take them forever,"

"I know, till I want to have kids," I crossed my arms.

"So not long," Keem shrugged.

"Till what?"

"Till you have my kids," he smiled, cheekily.

I didn't smile back. "You know taking these pills can stop me getting pregnant in the future,"

"Why you deeping it, b? You're all good now, aren't you?" Keem frowned as he looked at me.

"No, I'm taking these shit pills cos you don't wanna wear a condom," I threw the Morning After pills onto the table.

Keem turned on the tv.

"You're not even listening to me," I watched as he stayed quiet and looked at the tv. "Oh my days,"

"What?" he didn't even look at me.

"Okay, cool." I started going upstairs.

"What, are we arguing now or something?" Keem kissed his teeth as he got up and tried to grab my arm.

I moved too fast and went up the stairs. "You aren't coming near me till you start coming correct," I covered my bum by showing him my middle fingers as I went up the stairs.

"You're playing,"

"Come near me and see if I'm playing," I shut the bedroom door and sat on my bed then groaned loudly.

What's so difficult about wearing a condom?



"What, so are yous on a break or something?" Romzy asked as he looked at Ti.

"Nah, she just won't let me go nowhere near her," I looked at her too. She should be sitting on my laps, her head on my chest, my arms around her, but nah, she's being childish.

Yo, roadmen need hugs too, what the fuck did you think?

"Chat shit," Romzy laughed.

"Shut up, fam," Gray looked at us. We were just in Ti's living room, all watching Fast & Furious.

I was sitting on the big couch with Romzy. Gray was on his own in the single chair, Ti and Jordan were under a blanket. Ti and I aren't even arguing. I just can't be nowhere near her for some reason. I don't even get why she's making a big fucking deal out of this, man.

Ti had her head on Jordan shoulder and that was making me burn up inside. The only thing keeping me calm was the fact the Jordan was way too into the movie to even realise Ti was touching him.

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