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(Darlings, this is gonna be a long chapter so get comfy with a snack and a drink, get warm and start reading xx)


I dressed up in a dark grey midi skirt with a white shirt and black blazer. I had my hair in a slicked back ponytail with my ends curly. I wore my grey heels and stood in from of the mirror, giving myself a silent pep talk.

Keem was already in police custody, he's been gone since 6am.

Keem's gonna be fine. Of course he'll be fine. Yes. He's gonna be fine.

I grabbed my phone and Keem's car keys to his white Ford Discovery and left the house, feeling as optimistic as ever. Keem's gonna be back home in a couple hours, it's all good.

As I drove, I began to think about future scenarios. I thought about me giving birth in the hospital in about 8 months, with Keem holding my hand. I thought about us decorating our baby's future room; if our babies will be a twin boys or girls.

I can't wait. I can't believe I ever thought negatively about having a baby.

Within a matter of minutes, I was outside Canterbury Court.

As I was opening the door, I saw Gray coming towards me. "You took your time, the trial is starting soon," he grabbed my hand and started leading me into the courts.

"Chill, I'm not even late," I locked the car as I was pulled inside the court by G.

He went up to the reception and cleared his throat. "Hello?"

"Ah, hello, can I help you?" the man behind the counter asked.

"Uh, yes, we're here for the trial of Jakim King,"

I think that's the first time I've ever heard Gray be somewhat polite to anyone, lol.

"Public audience?" the man at the reception asked, checking the computer screen.

"Yeah, I'm his cousin, she's his girlfriend," Gray said. "Gray- I mean, Josiah King and Ashanti Edozie,"

I frowned at Gray. He's Keem's cousin? What? Why am I only finding out now?

"Yeah, just through the doors to your left once you get to the end of the corridor," the man pointed us the direction.

"Thank you," Gray nodded and started walking.

"You and Keem are cousins?" I asked.

"Yeah, man," Gray didn't pay much attention to me.

"Since when?" I frowned.

"Since my mum and Keem's dad got pushed out of the same pum," Gray looked at me.

"Oh," I laughed a bit. "What about your brother? Raheem?"

"Different mother, same dad. I take my mum's name, not my dad's, he don't mean shit to me," Gray explained.

"Hm, I hear that," I deeped how basically all the black boys I know, have a difficult, if not, non existent with their fathers.

My children are gonna have a strong connection with their father, regardless of if Keem goes to prison or me and Keem ever break up (God forbid).

Some large wooden doors were opened for us by some clerks so we quietly walked in and sat at the back. Keem was in a black suit and had a focused look on his face.

He was looking sexy as usual.

He saw me and Gray and his face softened for a second then he looked back at the Judge with a frown.

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