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"It's boiling in here, nigga open a window," Keem said as he walked past the kitchen.

I didn't know what to do. I was struggling to breathe. Like. Fam. Levi just kissed me. Like he just forced himself on me.


Levi went back to the frying pan and put the next pancake on a plate and put the frying pan in the sink and opened a window. He's moving like nothing happened.

"Yeah, those better be for me, man's starving," Keem came into the kitchen. He came towards me to kiss me as usual but I turned my face just in time, but subtly so he kissed my cheek.

I couldn't let him kiss my lips. I feel dirty.

"You can have mine," I said, leaving the room.

"Where you going?" Keem asked.

"Uh... I'm not hungry," I played it off. "Baby... um, can we talk later?"

Keem looked at me and frowned a little in confusion. "You good?"

"Yeah, I'm fine... just, like, eat and everything then we'll talk later," I didn't know what to say.

"Calm," he frowned and he spudded Levi.

I felt so guilty, I felt like vomiting.

I had a shower quickly, trying to clear my mind and think of the best way to say it to Keem, thinking about his reaction and what could happen to our relationship.

Was that my fault? I said some things that I know I shouldn't have said but... they were harmless. And Keem knows how I feel about Levi, why would he leave Levi here with me?

Wait. Guys. Levi just forced himself on me.

Is that my fault?

Oh my God.

I nearly burst into tears as I came out of the bathroom but I saw Keem was sitting on the bed so I quickly switched my emotions.

"You should take that off, still," Keem muttered as he looked up from his phone at me. I was wearing a plain pink shirt with no bra and shorts.

"Mm-hm," I hummed. "Maybe later,"

If there is a 'later'.

"Wa'gwan?" Keem asked. He noticed I was moving different.

"Uh..." I pulled the foot rest so it was in front of Keem and I could sit down in front of him. "I..."

"Yo, just say it, my minds doing a madness," Keem frowned.

"Okay, just... relax. Like, don't get mad, even though I know you will, but still, Keem, I-"

"Are you pregnant?" Keem asked.

"What?- No, I-"

"Thank God," Keem looked up. "I know we spoke about it but, rah, man's not ready to be no one's father right now," he laughed.

I laughed for a second. "Keem, stop, listen. I'm serious."


"... Levi kissed me,"

Keem didn't even react. Which scared me. "When?" he asked.

"Just now. Before you came."

"... is it?"

"We were just joking around and then he kissed me. He grabbed my arm and kissed me but it was only for a second and I pulled away straight away and tried to go upstairs but he grabbed me and kissed me then I slapped him but, I could've-" I started. I know I was speaking fast and it probably wasn't making sense but I just had to let everything out.

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