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"Keem, wa'gwan?" Jordan asked, snapping me out of my trance.

"Ennit, you've been moving mad for a hot second," Gram raised his eyebrow.

"Man's in love," Gray laughed. "He's whipped,"

"Bun you, I'm not in fuck all," I looked away from my phone.

"Sorry, bossman," Gray joked, packaging the weed in plastic bags.

"Ay, did you man hear about what happened to Ashanti yesterday?" Gram asked.

I raised my head and looked at him, waiting for him to continue. I haven't seen Ashanti for the longest.

Four days.

Fam, truly, I'm whipped.

I don't care. Just thinking about her does stuff to me, man. I was thinking about going to her yard and giving her her phone but my head was doing a madness. I kept thinking about these 'what ifs'.

Since when did I think about 'what ifs'?

"Nah, say it then," Jordan looked at Gram.

"Her ex man's chilling at her yard," Gram put the bags in his pouch. "And she don't want him there,"

I got up.

"And where are you going?" Jordan asked in a imitating some American bitch.

I was about to answer but then remembered I didn't care. I don't have tell anyone what I'm gonna do. "Don't worry," I started walking towards the door.

They all started laughing and whooping.

"You're gonna go pattern her, ennih?" Gray asked, nodding slowly.

"What else?" I tried not to slip.

"Gyalist," Jordan raised his hand to spud me.

I grinned as I spudded him.

"Aight, say nutin' we'll go fix up Kwame and you go handle your other business," Gram smirked.

"Jheez, my nigga," Gray got up too, ready to go.

I went back to them. "Safe, my g's," I spudded them all before leaving.


Fuck knows why my heart was beating like maud when I entered her estate. I walked up into the building and up the stairs to her apartment door.

You wanna fuck her, just do it, not hard I told myself as I knocked on the door. Fam, just clart her

"Yo, answer the door," I knocked harder after no one answered.

"Jheez, I'm coming," I heard Eli running to the door. "Why the fuck are you banging on the-" she shut up once she saw it was me.

"Wa'gwan?" I asked.

She frowned in response and looked at Ashanti's phone in my hand. "Why are you here?"

I let myself in, walking past her. "Where's Ti?"

Eli continued frowning. "Why?"

"I need to give her her phone back," I pulled out my phone.

"But you live ages away. Why did you drive all that way to give her her phone without your boys?" Eli continued to question me as she looked behind me for the others. "And you could've given it to her ages ago,"

"What's up with you man always asking questions?" I asked, amused. "You man act like some jakes,"

She looked around before going up the stairs and calling Ashanti. "Keem's downstairs." Eli's voice was quiet. "For you... Is there anything you're not telling me?"

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