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Skrapz fell to the floor. His leg was bleeding. Badly.

My hand shook as I looked at the gun in my hand. I knew I didn't kill him but I've blown his kneecap off.

Keem looked at me in shock.

"Let's go, before the feds come," Rico looked at Keem. "Come,"

Keem stamped on Skrapz multiple times. "You ain't touching my girl. Ever,"

"You're all fucking dead, you pussyholes!" Skrapz shouted. "Just watch," he turned to get up so he could see who shot him.

Keem came to me. "What the fuck were you thinking?" He took the gun away from me hastily.

"I saved your life, didn't I?" I frowned.

"I don't need you to do shit like that,"

"Did you want me to just watch?" I asked sarcastically. "Cah anyone could see that nigga was ready to kill you,"

"You don't know what you've done," Keem started walking away from me.

"What so you can shoot people and I can't?" I asked.

"Yeah. Only I can do that shit," Keem stopped and faced me. "You have a good fucking future ahead of you and you're out here shooting niggas in broad daylight?"

"It's not the first time I've shot someone, you need to fucking relax." I instantly regretted saying that. I can't be out here exposing my past like that.

"Who the fuck did you shoot before?" Keem asked, frowning at me.

"... It doesn't matter,"

Keem kissed his teeth. "You've started a war,"

"You wanted one," I argued. "And anyways, he's not gonna die. And he's not a fucking snitch, he wouldn't tell no one who shot him. He didn't even see me. Even if he did, he'd be too embarrassed to admit I did it,"

"You man need to relax," Rico caught up with us.

Keem stayed quiet and looked at me.

I looked right back at him.

"Get in the house," he muttered.

I rolled my eyes and went into the house. I slammed the door in his and Rico's face and went straight upstairs.


After a few hours, I knew everyone had gone. Keem stayed downstairs, I stayed upstairs.

But I'm fucking hungry so I'm going downstairs, lol.

Keem watched me come down the stairs and enter the kitchen. I didn't say a word to him. I opened the kitchen door and went inside.

"Yo, Ti, come here," Keem said, watching me come down the stairs.

I ignored him and brought out a big Doritos packet from the cupboard. I started eating it as I went back into the living room to the stairs.

"Yo, I said come here," Keem said in a demanding tone to show he wasn't fucking around. "Now,"

I rolled my eyes and looked at him. "What?" I said in the bitchiest tone ever.

"... thank you," he said.

I stayed quiet.

"I knew Skrapz was gonna shoot me. I thought I was gonna die." Keem frowned. He didn't even look at me. "You did good,"

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