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By the time we got into the hospital, Rico was unconscious and was plugged into some kinda substitute blood drip. Lizzie said it's just to keep the remaining blood circulating around his body so his heart keeps on beating at a steady pace.

This shit just doesn't feel real. Rico actually looks dead.

And if this has happened to Rico, what the hell has happened to Keem? Or Tyrese? And where the fuck are they?

"Yo, you're fucking hurting me, g," I heard Keem shouting.

Wait, what?

I watched the paramedics carry Rico away and slipped away to go find Keem.

"Yo!" I heard Keem again.

I stood in front of a receptionist desk and saw Keem being handcuffed by some policemen. He had blood dripping from his hair line and a bloody lip. He didn't have his tux on anymore, just the shirt. It was bloody. So bloody.

Why's there so much blood?

It looked like he'd been stabbed too, across his chest. I could see his muscles flexing as he tried to resist the force of the feds.

"Keem, stop," I said. "Leave it,"

Keem stopped and turned his head to face me. "Ti?" he frowned once he saw me.

I didn't know what to say.

He suddenly stopped resisting the policemen and looked at me as one of them started reading him his Miranda Rights. "Jakim King, you are being arrested on suspicion of attempted murder, assault and for the possession of an illegal firearm. You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence..."

The policeman's voice drowned out in my head as Keem looked back at me. I don't know why I thought Keem could ever get arrested.

"What did you do?" I asked, shaking my head.

"Ti, I haven't done anything." Keem said.

I continued shaking my head.

"I swear to you," he tried to move closer to me but was pulled back by the policeman who had him in handcuffs. "I swear,"

I felt myself tearing up in disbelief as I almost laughed. "Keem,"

"I swear, Ti. I really didn't do shit- Yo! Mind my fucking arm!" Keem shouted as he started getting pulled away.

I didn't know what to do. I just stood and watched as Keem was taken away.

This is draining me. Physically and mentally. Like, my head is empty right now, it's like I should be used to this sort of shit happening. Like I should be used to people getting hurt and nothing making sense.

And it's not even like anyone's gonna explain to me what's going on.

I just dropped myself into the hospital chair and looked ahead of me. I probably looked crazy; Rico's blood all over me, my hair a whole fucking mess and wearing pink, bloody, fluffy sliders.

But I didn't care.

I just want everything to be back to normal. I didn't even deep how much I was affected by Skrapz kidnapping me and actually seeing Keem kill YB, till now.

Like, guys, my life is fucked. Is this how it's gonna be if I stay with Keem? Should I take Keem's ex, Georgia's, advice to leave him while I still have a chance? I can't live my life, worrying about when Keem is gonna come home or if he's safe, everytime he goes out. I can't live my life, being afraid to go out, even to my place of education, just because of my boyfriend.

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