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I walked down the pavement with Keem's and around my shoulders. I was wearing a tight white cropped t shirt with a black puffer jacket over it. I also had black cargo pants on with black Airforces.

It was dark but it wasn't too dark. I looked over to the corner of the wall where I could see bare black people and I could hear loud music. I could smell weed and food too, I felt comfortable.

We were greeted as soon as we were in eyeshot of them. It was weird, Keem wasn't acting like such a bad guy, everyone was chilling together, no beef. I'm used to people crossing the road when they see Keem or turning the other way but everyone was joking around with him and he was actually happy.

"What you saying, Ti?" Raheem, Gray's older brother said as he spudded Keem.

"Hey," I smiled.

"It's like the whole family is back, bro," Gray said, coming towards us.

"That's what I'm saying," Jordan said to him. "Obviously, 3'up all the mandem, yeah, but this is squad from day 1,"

"Keem, LV, RJ, Big Tobz, and you," Gray said. "All fresh home in the last 18 months,"

"Jordan went to prison?" I asked. "For what?"

I know Jordan's in the gang but he doesn't seem the type to actually carry out a crime. He's jokes, I can't see him hurting anyone.

"Assaulting a jake and carrying a knife," Keem explained.

"So all of yous have gone to prison?" I asked.

"Yeah, 'cept Gray. Man always gets away with shit," Raheem said.

Gray nodded, passing the spliff to me. "Cah, I have two identities," he winked at Raheem who laughed.

I took two puffs and gave it back to him. As they all spoke, I stayed quiet, wondering what Keem went to prison for.

"On about fresh home, where's LV?" Jordan asked.

"You know how he is," Gray said. "Man saw a girl in the street and called her over,"

They all laughed. "Man ain't even been free for a day and he's already pulling,"

A darkskinned nigga walked over to us.

Okay, guys listen. Yes, I have a boyfriend, yes, I should keep my eyes to myself but, also, yes, I am a slut for darkskinned niggas.

However, I'm not one of them bitches who would ever betray my man for some nigga I see and act like some next dickhead.

"Wa'gwan, broski?" Jordan spudded him.

"Jheez, all my guys are here," I heard the guy speak.

Oh, shit. Levi?

Fam. He's fucking sexy.

I moved closer to Keem but I don't know why I couldn't keep my eyes off Levi.

"What you saying, peng ting?" he asked, smiling at me in a way that made my knees weak.

I don't know where that came from, I feel sick.

"That's my girl," Keem reminded him.

"Yeah, yeah, man knows," Levi put his hands up. "It's jokes,"

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