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"Fuck you mean, you don't know where she is?" Keem asked, on loudspeaker from Eli's phone.

"I was just about to call you and ask," Eli lied me as she washed the dishes. "I haven't seen her since yesterday,"

I was laying on the sofa, watching The Next Step - fam, this TV show has been my shit since qwayyy, idc.

I've been ignoring Keem for two days, pretending to either be busy or just airing his calls. I'm not upset anymore. Just angry at myself. And at him of course but, I just feel like if I'd confronted him there and then instead of being a pussy and running away, it would have had a better effect. Keem probably knows why I'm airing him and he'll think I'm a little bitch.

Why didn't you just confront him?

"What type of best friend are you?" Keem asked. "Ti hasn't been around for two days and you're just chilling?"

"Erm, don't speak to me like that," Eli turned round looking at me in disbelief. She's so extra. "Do you know who the fuck I am? How can you switch this shit onto me, you fucking dickhead,"

She wants to get herself killed.

"Do you know who the fuck I am?" Keem's voice because angry and rough.

"I'm not gonna stand hear and listen to your bullshit, Keem. If you wanna find Ashanti, try Leicester, she said something about going back home," Eli lied in a tone that made me feel like it was true.

"Shit," Keem went quiet. "Listen, if you see her, or talk to her, tell her to answer her phone, we need to talk,"

I rolled my eyes, drinking more of the wine on the table from the bottle.

"Yeah, yeah." Eli answered. "And next time, try saying 'hello' when you call someone. Don't say 'speak' cah I'm not one of your niggas, okay?"

Keem kissed his teeth and hung up. Eli laughed.

"Dunno why you're laughing, he'll kill you," I joked.

"Bitch, let him try," Eli continued washing the plates. "Gram would kill him,"

"So you and him are on a serious ting now?" I asked.

"Yeah," she turned round again and sighed nodding. "Don't tell him but, I think I love him,"

I gasped, extremely dramatically though it really was a shock.

"No, stop, I'm serious." Eli looked at me. "Like, I know this is way too soon, I've known him for about a month, but I feel it,"

Let me not lie, Eli is probably right. She's always right with her relationship advice and prophecies. It's like she sees in the future.

And also, this is coming from a girl who thinks all men are trash no matter who they are.

"I trust him way too much, he trusts me too. We talk every day and don't get tired of each other... I really think I love him,"

I squealed and clapped my hands. "Eliza!" I got up and went to hug her.

"Do you want Fairy Liquid in your hair?" Eli asked, backing away.

I stopped coming closer and laughed then kept squealing.

"Anyway, bitch, don't think you can just distract me from you not doing any work while I'm here, slaving away," she flicked soap suds at me.

"Hey!" I wiped my face.

"Get to cleaning, boo," she said pointed to the vacuum cleaner.

"Ugh," I dragged my feet to the hoover and turned it on as I began to clean the floor.

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