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"Do you want anything to drink, love?" my mum asked Ti.

"No, I'm good, thank you," Ti smiled.

"I want a drink." I said. "Mum, be a princess and get me a coke," I joked.

"Boi, I told you, if you nah come here to help me, why you here for?" my mum frowned at me.

I laughed, getting up.

"Stop hackling me," she went into the kitchen then came back in to the living room. "So wa'gwan?" she asked, sitting down,

I shrugged. "Just wanted to see you. It's been a bit,"

She looked at us both for a few seconds. "You pregnant?" she asked Ti.

Ti looked at me then laughed. "No,"

"I didn't think so," mum kept looking at us both. "Just checking... but when you giving me grandkids, though?" she asked.

I almost laughed. "Ti's 18, mum,"

"And? I had Jada when I was 19," mum shrugged. "It's not too early,"

Ti shook her head. "I don't want kids right now. Maybe after uni,"

"Yeah, she's got bigger things to worry about right now," I said.

"What do you wanna be?" my mum asked.

"Psychologist," Ti said.

"Good, you'll be able to understand what goes through this likkle boy's head," mum looked at me. "He's very troubled,"

"Nah, not even," I smirked. "I'm good."

Mum rolled her eyes. "Well, you two can make yourselves useful and cook something for us to eat, lemme go out on a walk for once,"

I shrugged. "That's calm,"

"Angela, the food's gonna be-" Ti put her fingers to her lips and kissed them. "-excellent,"

Mum laughed. "Don't let Keem poison it,"

"What you tryna say?" I asked, frowning. "Man's a chef, you know,"

"Believe whatever makes you happy, baby," mum stood up and squeezed my face. Ti laughed as I looked up at my mum. "You look just like your father,"

I pulled away and looked at her, shaking my head. We don't talk about my dad. Ever.

Mum sighed too. "Gwan, go cook something," she went upstairs.

I got up and went into the kitchen, Ti following behind me. I looked around in the cupboards for something to eat.

Ti started putting hot water in a pot. She looked around the cupboards too. She brought out a bag of rice and poured it in the hot water. She turned to me as if she was gonna say something then almost shook her head as she looked at the pot.

"Yo, Ti," I said, looking at her.

She looked at me and raised her eyebrows in response.

"Wa'gwan?" I could tell something was bothering her.

"Nothing, I just-" she paused. "It doesn't matter,"

"Nah, tell me," I went closer to her. "Baby, talk to me, what's wrong?"

"... your dad," she said quietly. "When your mum mentioned him, like, your energy just switched. What happened to him?"

I exhaled hard. "Don't worry about him. He's a dead nigga,"

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