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I was half asleep when I heard the front door open.

"Ti?" I heard Keem. Chills went down my spine. It felt like it'd been weeks since I last saw him.

I opened my eyes. Although it was dark, I could see Keem entering the house.

"Keem!" I said, standing up. I hugged him straight away, not even thinking twice.

He hugged me back, sighing. "I fucking missed you," he muttered as he held me tight.

"I missed you too," I said quietly as I hugged him tight.

We let go and just looked at each other. Keem smiled a little, causing me to just breakdown. Tears flooded my eyes and I brought my hands to my face to hide them.

"Baby," Keem sighed. "Don't cry,"

I shook my head, not wanting to speak because I know I'd fully start sobbing if I spoke.

Keem removed my hand and wiped my tears.

"Don't cry," he repeated in a softer tone.

"... I'm sorry," I sniffed.

I just... I've been with Keem for so long, like 10 months, I can't imagine being without him ever. I know it was only a day that I didn't see him but it's actually got to me. Keem could end up in prison.


I can't hack that.

I hid my face under his arm, just wanting to be as close to him as possible.

"Mama," he said in a soft tone. "It's okay,"

I let go of him and looked at him. He looked rough but, attractive-rough, if you get me.

He rubbed his cheek and looked around. "Where's J?"

"Probably asleep," I said, still admiring him.

Keem looked at me and gave me a cute, little, cheeky smile.

I looked away and sighed. "So what's gonna happen now?" I asked.

"I got a lawyer. Gonna go see him on Thursday. I'm on 20 day bail so I'm a free man for now," Keem nodded slowly. "It's all good,"

"You need to stop saying that," I told him. "Cos it's not all good," I said, going into the kitchen to get some water. "Have you eaten?" I asked him.

"Nah, but I'm alright," he went into the kitchen with me.

"I'm making you food," I ignored him, opening the oven to bring out the mac and cheese that Jordan and I had made a few hours ago.

Keem sat on a dining chair and looked at me. "Ti," he said.

"Yeah," I looked at him for a second as I put some on a plate and covered it before putting it into the microwave for a couple minutes.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"No," I bluntly told him. "I'm not okay. I'm worried about you,"

"But I told you it's all gonna be okay,"

"But it's not, Keem. And you know it. You don't have an alibi, so how is it gonna be okay?" I don't know why I suddenly felt anger.

Keem raised his eyebrows a little but stayed quiet.

"Keem, you've been on the feds' case for the longest time. You know you're gonna end up behind bars eventually so we might as well stop pretending everything's gonna be good, cos we both fucking know it's not gonna be fucking good,"

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