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"Where've you been all night?" Levi asked.

Great, as soon as Keem leaves, my guy Levi comes along.

Temptation is real.

"Busy," I muttered, putting some of the rubbish people left behind in bins.

"What did I do to you? You've been giving me some cold energy," he said.

"What do you mean? I have a boyfriend. I haven't been giving you anything," I frowned. "You're the one who's been calling me 'baby' and shit,"

"Man just came out of pen, you're the first girl I've seen in a very long time." he said, shrugging. "Obviously man can't do shit when I'm surrounded by gay arse niggas. Then I came out and saw you," he shrugged. "How was I meant to react? You're leng,"

I looked down and kicked some rocks.

He laughed a little. "You thought man was clapped earlier but now I see how you're looking at me," he smiled. "You're feeling me,"

"I-I'm really not-" I shook my head.

"Chill, babes, I'm not tryna start anything. You know, usually, whenever a peng ting tries to stab me, I don't take interest in her and I usually forget about her the same day,"

I didn't know what to say.

"It was a joke, chill, Ti," he laughed.

"It wasn't a very funny joke," I frowned, trying not to smile.

"We're good, yeah?" he asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, we're fine,"

"Aight, see you around, baby," he winked before jogging off.

I bit my lip, feeling guilty for some reason.


I feel like the universe is testing me. Levi has been round to Keem's everyday and I always find myself alone with him. I know he said he was joking when he said he couldn't get me out of his head but something tells me he was being serious.

And Keem trusts him so much. I don't know whether to snake Levi out or let it keep happening and be a snake to my own boyfriend.

You know what, lemme just keep quiet and wait for Keem to notice his best friend keeps hitting on me. I don't wanna be that bitch that comes between two boys.

"What you saying, Eli?" Levi said as he came through the lounge door. He was just wearing grey joggers, sliders and a gold chain round his neck. He had his white shirt tucked into the elastic of his joggers. I guessing him and Keem were coming from the gym. Levi looked sexy as fuck but I can let him know that.

"Nothing," She smiled at him as she got up to get the remote from the table opposite the tv.

"Wagwarn, darlin?" Levi asked me.

I didn't even want to look at the guy. He knows what he's doing, I promise you.

"Where's Keem?" I asked.

"He's coming in a sec," Levi said, slumping down into a chair opposite me.

The front door opened and Keem came in. "When did you man get back?" he said when he saw me.

"Like an hour ago," I ran my hand through my hair. "We got someone to record the lectures we missed." I said.

"You good, mama?" he came over and kissed me.

"Ew," Eli said, rolling her eyes at him. I don't know if you can tell but they still hate each other with a passion. I gave her a 'look'.

Keem pretended to punch her causing her to flinch before he went into the kitchen and got a bottle of water. "You keep trying me," he said to her.

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