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"Mum, what do you mean you wanna meet him?" I stopped eating and shut my eyes.

I knew this day would come.

My mum wants to meet Keem. Hayden must've told her I have a man. Though, I specifically told him not to let anyone in our family know I'm with someone. They're all so quick to judge, for fuck sake.

Or maybe dad told her. Or Tyrese.

My mum will embarrass me. Definitely. Adrien will be all protective, even more than Tyrese. Amaris is gonna annoy Keem and Alexis is gonna be attention-seeking. It's not even like anything that bad will happen, but I'm not mentally ready for the love of my life to meet the family he could potentially marry into.

"What I mean is, I want to meet your boyfriend. He got to be the reason why none of us have heard from you for months," she said. "If it isn't because of him, there's a problem, ain't there?"

"Mum, I've been busy, in fact, he's busy as well. He can't meet you," I made excuses.

"So that's how it is?" mum asked.

"But, mum-"

"Your sister's been asking about you everyday and you can't take a two hour trip to see her? Wow, I knew uni changes people but not this much." mum tried to guilt trip me but I know she just wants to meet Keem.

I whined. "Mummy-"

"So you're ashamed of your family? You don't want your boyfriend to meet us?" she continued.

"No, never. Why would I be ashamed of my family?" I asked, almost offended.

"So you're ashamed of your boyfriend?" she asked me.

"No." I said in the same tone. "I just don't think we're ready for that yet,"

"Who's ready for what?" Keem asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"Is that him?" mum asked. "Lemme talk to him,"

"Mum, I already told you, he's busy," I said.

"Oh, that's your marj?" Keem asked, coming closer to me. "Lemme say 'hi',"

"No," I said with more authority than I thought.

"Okay, chill," Keem frowned, almost laughing.

"I didn't mean it like that, Keem," I moved the phone away from my face. "It's just..."

"Keem?" mum asked. "Is he Ghanaian or something?" she asked.

"No, he's not Ghanaian," I finally gave in. "Fine. We'll come see you."

Keem looked at me. "Today?" he asked.

"Are you busy today?" I asked. "Cos if we go, it'll be a 2 hour drive there and 2 hours on the way back," I said.

"It's chilling."

"He drives?" mum asked. She's so excited.

"Yeah," I laughed. "Mum, we'll see you today then," I said. "Make sure the house is clean and tell Amaris he better not play up when I get there,"

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