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I stretched as I woke up. I sighed as I opened my eyes to. . . not seeing Keem lying next to me?

I could faintly hear Luke Cage by M24 and Stickz playing downstairs.

I sat up, a smile on my face as I remembered the events of last night. Keem and I have had sex a few times, you'd think I'd be used to it by now.

I threw over the duvet.

Oh no.




I widened my eyes and jumped out of the bed. Of course, my life can never be good for long.

Only you would come on your period now, Ashanti.

I looked at what my body had done to Keem's bed and started to rip off the bed covers, praying my blood didn't soak through to the mattress.

I felt tears in my eyes as I grabbed the stained sheets and carried them to the en suite bathroom, putting them into the bathtub. The sheets weren't even that bloody but the fact that there was even blood on it made me so embarrassed.


I sniffed as I became more and more angry at myself. Why didn't I remember that my period was due. Fuckk.

I heard Keem coming up the stairs. "You awake, baby?" I heard his voice.

My heart beat fast as I began to question why I even tried to get the sheets clean. I quickly shut the bathroom door, and cleaned my hands on my shirt.

The door slammed shut just as Keem got upstairs. "Ti?" he asked. "You goo-" He stopped.

He's seen that the sheets are gone.

"Ti, open the door,"

Frantically, I washed my hands and went to the door, forgetting that I looked like a character from a horror movie, hair messed up and everything. I tied my hair up in a bobble from my wrist.

Luckily, I was wearing black leggings and a black vest so, the blood wasn't showing on me. Just as I was about to open the door, I stopped and cleared my throat. "Keem?"

"Yeah, b, you okay?" he asked.

"... No," I said quietly. "I just came on my period,"

He didn't say anything. I just assumed he couldn't hear me.

"Hey, did you hear what I said-" I said in a soft voice.

"Yeah, I heard you..." he replied instantly.

I sighed. "Keem-"

"Nah, it's calm. Gimme 5 minutes, yeah?" he asked before I heard him running down the stairs.

Once I was certain he'd left the house, I opened the door, groaning loudly.

Fam, the way I'm embarrassed.

How's my vagina gonna decide to start bleeding with no warning?


"Baby," I heard Keem come inside the house.

"Yeah," I answered quietly. I was still embarrassed but I was kinda over it at this point.

It is what it is.

He came up the stairs holding two bags. One from Tesco's with pads, another from New Look with some clothes.

Did he just buy me new clothes? "Keem, did you buy-"

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