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Hayden sat at the counter, eating Cheerios.

Why's my cousin in the kitchen? When the fuck did he grow so big? And why would he cut his hair? What the fuck is he even doing here?

"You just tried to kill me," I said, rubbing my throat.

"No," he looked at me. "You just tried to kill me. What the fuck are you doing with a knife, man?"

"There's been a lot of shit going on in here, if you can't tell," I looked at the drops of blood leading to the bathroom. "It's not my fault. You could've at least called me, you know? How did you even know where I was?"

He shrugged. "Snap maps,"

"Ew, why do you have me on snap?" I asked. "Weirdo,"

He laughed a little then stopped as he looked around. "What happened here though?"

"Don't worry about it," I sighed.

He stayed quiet and continued eating.

"Hayden?" I said.

"Yo," he looked at me.

"Why are you here? If you wanted to see me I could've just come and got you. You only live in Homerton." I said.

"Marj kicked me out." he said. "Too many jakes on my case."

More drama.

"So you thought 'lemme travel just half an hours distance to get away from the feds'? You're so smart," I said in a sarcastic tone and kissed my teeth. "You didn't need to come here, you're just gonna disturb me,"

"I have nowhere else to go," he said. "And my mum keeps going on about you how you're doing good and everything,"

"Well, I mean, I'm not. Clearly." I ran my hand through my hair.

"So, what? Are you gonna kick me out and all?" Hayd asked. "Cah imma be homeless then,"

"... no. I don't want you trekking around London looking for a place to stay. Especially if the feds are on your case. What did you even do?"


I crossed my arms.

"I don't even know, I swear. I only had a rambo on me, that's all," he shrugged.

"Eh?" I frowned, my Nigerian accent coming out of me. "That's all?"

He laughed a little.

"It's not funny, Hayd. You're barely 16, and you're fucking your life up like this," I wasn't in the mood to lecture him but he was still laughing. "For what? Respect? Girls?"

"I've already got a girl. And I've already got respect,"

I kissed my teeth again. "You've already been to juvie at your small fucking age, so if I were you I'd stop tryna act bad. You're not impressing no one. No one at all."

He nodded one but still had a smug demeanour which irritated me.

"I'm going out. Come on," I said.

"What? Can't I stay here? I've been on a train all day,"

"No." I said, taking his plate from him. "You chose to come here. So now I'm your guardian. You're gonna do what I tell you to do or you're out."

He opened his mouth to argue.

"End of fucking conversation," I started walking.


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