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I walked out of uni, feeling so shit.

It's my birthday, guys.

No ones even said happy birthday.

Except my mum and siblings.

Keem's court date is coming soon, so we'll be finding out if our baby will go through most of his or her life, seeing their father in handcuffs behind a plastic wall.

I feel so sad.

I got into my Uber, opening twitter. I opened my dms and smiled as I saw some of my Twitter friends had wished me a happy birthday.

Within a few minutes, the Uber had pulled up outside my apartment. I thanked the driver then walked outside.

"Yo, Ti," I heard someone call me.

Turning around slowly, I saw Gray stepping down from a moving van. "Hey," I smiled and hugged him.

"I heard the good news," he hugged me back. "Got a likkle yout on its way," he smiled.

"Mm," I smiled a little.

Jordan came out from my apartment carrying cardboard boxes of all my stuff.

"What you saying, Ashanti?" Jordan greeted me as he put my stuff into a moving van.

"Hey, J," I smiled. "Is that everything?" I asked.

"Nah, there's a few boxes left, I'll get them," Jordan ran back into the apartment building.

Jordan didn't even say happy birthday. He's been hyping up my birthday for the longest time. What's going on? There's no way he forgot.

I caught Gray looking at me and looked back at him. "I haven't seen you for ages, you know," Gray said.

"Yeah," I laughed a little. "Missed you a bit," I nudged his shoulder.

"Yeah," he nodded.

"What? You didn't miss me? You're supposed to say it back," I laughed.

"Nah," he laughed.

"Now it's just awkward," I shook my head, laughing. "Just say it, dickhead,"

"This is why I didn't miss you, you verbal abuser," he laughed.

"Ah, whatever," I pushed him a little.

"Yo," he put his hands in his pocket and pulled out a £1.99 Maccies busticket. "Happy birthday, young one,"

"Thank you," I laughed, hugging him. "You don't know how happy you've made me," I grinned. "But... you could've got me anything else,"

"You think I'm spending money on you?" he laughed. "Lowe that,"

"Whatever," I kissed my teeth, playfully.

He laughed then went back to the truck. "Yo, get in, we're gonna move soon,"

"Where's Keem?" I asked. "He said he'd be here,"

"Erm... Keem's-" Gray stalled.

"Keem just left, he thought he was picking you up from uni," Jordan said.

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