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I walked into the living room where Eli and Gram were making out.


I swear they've fucked already. Even though we met them three days ago.

I dumped myself on the sofa, next to Gray who was on his phone. He'd stretched his arm out on the sofa so when I sat down he put his arm over my shoulder. "Wa'gwan, Ti," he said as I sat down.

"Hey," I smiled, pulling my phone out.

"Anyone seen Keem?" Gray asked, only receiving a reply from me and Jordan. Jordan wasn't hurt that Eli chose Gram over him, apparently he already has three girlfriends all over London. Eli and Gram were too engulfed in each other to answer.

"Nope," I shook my head. Its been three days since I spoke to that lightskinned devil, Keem, and turns out he's a leader of a gang here in London. I should've known he was on road from the second I saw him. Ever since he walked away from me, on Thursday, I haven't been able to get him off my mind.

I kinda just wanna see him again. I know was rude to me and shit, which pissed me off, but he can't be all bad. I'm not looking for a relationship with him because I know he's the type to treat girls like shit, I just wanna... talk to him. Hear his deep, rough voice again. I guess...

"Wasn't he on the strip earlier?" Jordan asked.

"Nah, I was on the strip, I would've seen him." Gray shook his head. "Man ain't answering his phone or anything,"

"Wa'gwan?" Jordan asked.

"Slut Tina got all of Kwame's stock," Gray explained. "Man was on about, forgetting his bag on the bus and Slut Tina getting to it. I was gonna tell Keem, cah this is the fourth time its happened,"

"Nah, fam, don't snake it," Jordan shook his head.

"I have to, J. Kwame's my partner, if he goes down, so do I. And I ain't going down with that nigga for sum' I haven't done,"

"Who's Slut Tina?" I asked.

"The crackhead that sucks dicks for money," Jordan answered. "She's, like 40 or sum' and she always about, asking to do business and shit,"

"So all you man call her Slut Tina? That's nasty. Just call her Tina," I frowned.

"Nah, b, my dad told me back in the day, that's what everyone called her in school cah she gave blowjobs in the classroom and let niggas finger her under the desk and shit. The name just stuck,"

"Rahh. Over all these years?" I asked, amazed and disgusted, although I knew Eli had done both things in a classroom before.

"Yeah, man," Jordan smirked. "Its peak, ennih,"

"Its wrong," I crossed my arms.

"Why you always on that bookey shit? Always on about shit being wrong and people being mean. This is why we argue, baby," Jordan laughed.

"Okay, first of all, I'm not your baby. And, second, no, we argue cos you're stupid, dickhead," I threw a cushion at him.

He caught it, and threw it back, in my face. "Try me again, bitch,"

I whined, rubbing my head, where the cushion hit. "Fuck you,"

He grinned. "Suck my dick, b,"

I rolled my eyes and put the cushion back down. I yawned, not even knowing I was tired.

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