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I sighed, feeling sick as I left the courtroom. "I need to see Keem,"

Jordan and Gray looked at each other.

"What the fuck was wrong with that lawyer? Bare asking these questions which he knew would trigger Keem! Oh my God, and Chantae, she's such a LIAR,"

"Word, man," Jordan sat down.

"I should've known it was her. She's been trying to get Keem and I apart since day one," I groaned and sat next to J.

"Big man ting," Gray sat down as well.

"It's fucked," Jordan put his head in his hands.

"So what now? We wait for 2 hours? and do what?" I stood up and started pacing around.

Keem can't go to prison.

I started the day with so much confidence that Keem would be home by the end of the day but, as much as I hate to admit it, it doesn't look like Keem's coming home anytime soon.

I didn't even feel like crying. I was angry.

Angry that Keem was being accused of a crime he didn't commit; angry at the lawyer for going too far; angry at Chantae for lying; angry that I really can't help Keem's case; angry at the way events have panned out.

Everything was going so well.

Literally everything.

I don't know what I'm going to do.

"Guys, I-I'm gonna take a walk," I said.

Gray and Jordan looked at each other. "Do you want us to come with you?"

"Nah... no I need time to think, I just need to be alone right now," I shook my head.

"Cool, just be back here before 1, ennih? Cos Keem's verdict will be out by half 1," Gray said.

I nodded. "I'll just be outside anyways," I said and smiled a little then left.

I walked outside the doors of the courthouse and took a deep breath.

"Fuck," I muttered and started walking down the street.


Keem means soooo much to me. I can't even begin to express my feelings without getting emotional.

"Pregnant, yeah?" I heard Chantae from behind me.

I spun round and walked right up to her and looked her in her eye. "Are you fucking crazy, Chantae? Like, are you dumb? Is it crack that you're smoking?"

"What are you talking about?" she frowned and stepped back.

"What am I talking about?" I almost gasped. "I'm talking about what you said in there, Chantae! You lied! You're going to get Keem locked up! You know he didn't do any of that shit!"

She scowled. "What's the difference? He killed my brothers. He deserves to be locked up. You both left me to grieve the only family I have left. I can't even have.. a funeral for them..." her eyes filled up with tears. "... cos... we can't find their bodies. But I know Keem killed them both!" she wiped her tears.

"So this is you avenging your brothers' deaths yeah?" I frowned.

"Yes! I'm doing what they would've wanted me to do!"

"What? To lie on the Bible? To testify against an innocent man?"

"He's NOT INNOCENT, Ti! Grow the fuck up, you know he kills niggas every fucking day!" Chantae shouted.

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