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Ever since Rico got here, Keem's been hella protective. He won't even let me look at him.

"So what do you man want me to do about it?" Rico asked.

"Chat to Skrapz," Gram said.

"And say what?" Rico frowned in confusion. "'Yo, Skay, abeg you tell me why you were looking at Ti the other day'?"

"Something like that," Jordan shrugged.

"Skrapz ain't normal, you guys don't understand. The nigga owes me and shit but I can't go to the guy and involve myself in something that hasn't got shit to do with me," Rico shook his head.

"He's right, una," Gray agreed with him. "Skrapz is a crazy guy. Bare paranoid,"

"Even if he wasn't a crazy nigga, I would never involve myself in this fuckery." Rico muttered. "Tryna get out the hood, man... but, still. I can link up with him and see what I can find out,"

Keem kissed his teeth. "You're a pussy, man,"

Rico glared at Keem. "Okay, cool, if I'm a pussy, do it your-fucking-self," he stood up.

"Rico, sit down, it's okay," I said. "Keem's just being-"

"A wasteman," Rico cut me off.

"So you're bad now?" Keem asked.

"I'm not a fucking pussyhole," Rico stood up for himself. "Just cah I'm tryna make something good out of my life without shanks and drugs, you're tryna draw me out?"

"Yo, relax, g," Jordan said to Rico.

"Nah, nah," Keem day back in the sofa. "Let the nigga talk his shit, then he'll see what comes after,"

"You're seriously with this nigga, Ti? Tsk, fuck this, man," Rico got up and went outside. "In a bit, Ti,"

I stood up as well. "What's wrong with you?" I said to Keem.

"What, you're backing your ex instead of your own man?" he argued back.

"No, I'm being rational. I'm tryna be fair to both of you," I went to the door. "But why are you being so childish?"

Keem kissed his teeth.

I went outside and saw Rico walking down the road. "Wait!" I called.

"What, now?" Rico turned round and looked at me.

"Keem... He didn't mean it. He's being difficult," I said.

"I don't need to help him, you know,"

"Then help me," I looked at him. "I don't know what's so bad about Skrapz that all them man are shook but it must be something deep-"

"Go back inside," his tone suddenly changed.

"What? I-"

"I said go inside," he wasn't looking at me anymore. "Now," He in front of me, away from me. "Big man Skrapz, what you saying, g?"

"Man like Tyreik, wa'gwan, my lil nigga?" I heard a familiar voice.

I turned round and saw Skrapz. Why the fuck is he here?

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