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"Woii. Is that you, yeah?" Keem said as I walked into his house. "Is that my girl, yeah? On the education ting?"

"No, its your fucking pet rabbit," I muttered sarcastically. I was an absolute mess my hair bobble broke, my PrettyLittleThing puffer coat ripped and lip gloss is smudged thanks to my hair in the wind. Keem loves annoying me when I've come home from uni all tired and stressed.

I'm already thinking about skipping lectures, man, but THE YEAR JUST STARTED.

Keem smirked as he watched me walk past him. I've been chilling at Keem's yard for a while cah three of my neighbors got stabbed in the building I live in, so whole estate is under investigation and I can't be arsed to get written permission from some next middle aged white man every fucking time I wanna enter my flat or leave the estate.

"I think I'm gonna apply for student accommodation," I said as I went into his kitchen, hunting for junk food.

"What are you on about?" Keem asked from the living room.

"It's so long getting from uni to your house every day," I opened a couple cupboards.

"I said you can stay here," he said.

"What, do you want me to move in here?" I asked.


I frowned, though I wasn't really offended. I don't wanna move in either, I feel like this relationship is going to fast, we only been together for about 5 months.

"I don't mean it like that, chill, b," he said as I didn't say anything, getting up. He hugged me from behind and kissed my neck.

"Okayyyyy, get off me," I tried to get out of his grip. I'm just not in the mood. Today's just been a shit day.

"Yo, I'm tryna be nice and shit and you're here telling me to get off you?" he let go of me. "Man's not a dickhead, you know,"

I looked up at him and held his hands. "I didn't say you were," I said in a soft tone.

"Aight, whatever," he let go of me.

"Are you pissed off now?" I asked, following him.

"I'm not, man, just do your ting, ennit," he sat back down. He looked at the TV, ignoring my presence.

"Baby," I moved in front of the TV so he couldn't see it.

He tilted his head, ignoring me.

So childish, ong.

"Keem," I moved towards him. "Yoooo, stop airing me," I raised his head with my hand.

"Wagwarn?" he asked.

I turned off the TV and sat on his laps, facing him. "Look at me," I kept my hands on his face.


"You want me to stay here, but not move in, yeah?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Do your ting," he repeated. I tried to kiss him but he moved his head.

I'm not taking that L so I pretended it didn't happen. "You're being stubborn,"

"You're being a bitch,"


"You know what you did,"

"Nigga, what the fuck are you on about?" I raised my voice a little, in confusion.

"Who you shouting at?" he asked, looking at me. "I know it's not me, you wouldn't try me,"

"Okayyy. That's how it is. Calm." I nodded, getting off him. "In a bit, bro," I picked up my bag and went to the door.

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