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I woke up, feeling a need to vomit. I ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet bowl.

Fam, what's going on?

I've been vomiting all week.

"Yo... Ti, wa'gwan with you?" Jordan asked in a sleepy voice, coming into the bathroom.

"Nothing, don't worry, just... go back to sleep," I sat on the floor next to the toilet, feeling sick again.

"... Aight," he frowned a little before going back downstairs to the sofa.

I love Jordan. He's so caring and protective. He's really like my brother. We're in Keem's house. Keem asked Jordan to come over for a couple of days while he spent time with his mum.

I would've gone with Keem to his mum's house but Keem noticed I was sick on Monday and said I should stay and get better. Also his mum has a weak immune system cos of all the chemo she's had in the past so it was best for me to just stay home.

I haven't told Keem that I've been vomiting (for the past 4 days). I don't want him jumping to conclusions or leaving his mum so he can check on me.

1 hour later - 9am

I nibbled on the toast I'd made for breakfast, knowing that if I ate lots I'd just vomit it all out. I was watching Prison Break as Jordan came down the stairs, putting a shirt on. His hair was wet so he must've just had a shower. That's strange though, Jordan don't ever wake up till about 12.

"Hey," I said, acknowledging his presence. He looked tired.

He nodded at me then went into the kitchen. "Why ain't you eating properly?" he asked.

"Um... I'm not that hungry," I said quietly.

"You sure? You just spent an hour throwing up your guts in the toilet," he said, not looking at me.

"Food poisoning," I shrugged.

He hummed.

He didn't speak to me again for about half an hour. He hadn't even bussed any jokes at all. Strange again. Is he angry at me or something?

"J, are you... are you alright," I asked.

"Yeah, yeah, man's chilling," he said, sitting opposite me with a bowl of cheerios.

"Mm, okay, then," I looked back at the tv.

"When's Keem coming back?" he asked.

I shrugged. "Should be back by the end of the day, he's got his court trial in a couple days,"

"Yeah, yeah, so you should hurry up and tell him you're pregnant, ennit?" Jordan looked at the tv and at the cereal like what he just said was normal.

"What?" I frowned.

"You can't have Keem finding out he's gonna be a father when he's behind bars," Jordan looked at me. "That's wrong, you should tell him now that he's-"

"Excuse me, erm, who said I'm pregnant?" I frowned more.

"Them bits of vomit you flushed away," he said. He put the bowl down. He was serious. "When were you gonna tell me?"

"Why would I tell you that I'm pregnant if I'm not?" I laughed. "Stop playing, man,"

"Ti, I'm supposed to look after you. You're either pregnant or you've got the fucking coronavirus. How am I meant to help you if you're not even being honest with me?" he asked.

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