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I answered the No Caller ID call for the fourth time today.

"I told you to stop calling me," I said in an aggressive tone.

"Keem, I need you," I heard Chantae. "I miss you so much-"

"Yoooooo," I cut her off. "I am in a relationship." I said slowly. "What don't you fucking understand?"

"That don't mean you can't come see me," she begged. "Oh my days," she sounded irritated.

"What now?" I said in a rude tone.

"I don't beg just anyone, Keem. You know that." she said. "I want you,"

I kissed my teeth. "Bye,"

"I need to talk to you," she said.

"Bye, Chantae," I said.

"I've fucked up-"

I hung up and frowned. I didn't wanna think much about it but why is she calling me after 7 months of not speaking?

"Hey, baby," I heard Ti come into my house.

"Yo," I looked at her. I'm not gonna tell her about Chantae, remember what she did last time Chantae texted me.

"Why so pressed?" she asked. "You look angry,"

"Don't worry about it," I watched her as she walked past me to put her bag behind the stairs.

"Tell me," she sat down next to me. "What's wrong?"

"It's calm," I smiled a little. "How's your day been?" I changed the subject, knowing Ti loves to talk about her day.

She stayed quiet for a while. "Can't lie... it was weird." she looked at me. "I got an Uber in the morning and got out outside the college building so I could walk to Psychology. Then I saw, um, Chantae,"

I frowned. What a coincidence.

"I felt like she was watching me. I don't know why but, yeah, that happened." she paused again. "Then before I got on my Uber back here, I saw Chantae again. We spoke, like, normal convo,"

"Why were you man talking?" I frowned even more. "About what?"

"I don't know... I wasn't being nasty or anything but I wasn't being friendly either. Cos I don't even know her like that. But she was nice, like, she called me pretty and everything." she shrugged. "I didn't ask her why she was looking at me in the morning or anything cos I wasn't tryna start something in public like that."

"You should've called me,"

"Yeah... but, still. That's not even what was weird. She asked about you, like how you were and shit and then she was like she bets you've forgotten about her,"

"I have,"

"And then she hugged me, like we're friends and she crosses the road and says something to this guy then walks away from him. The guy looked at me and nodded at me then walked the other way,"

"What did he look like?" I asked.

"He had a bally on," she shrugged. "He was darkskinned and had plaits. That's all I could tell,"

"Why didn't you call me?" I asked again.

"I didn't deep it till I was near your house." she shrugged again. "And I didn't wanna call you cos I felt like I was being watched the whole way here,"

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