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"Keem, get up," I whispered.

"Baby," he muttered.

"We need to go," I trailed my finger down his chest. "We're gonna be late,"

"I'm awake," he still had his eyes closed.

"Okay, well, be quick, Christelle's ready to go," I started leaving.

"Calm," he muttered, half asleep.

This nigga's still sleeping.

I waiting for at least a minute in the room then one I realised he wasn't moving I went back to the bed.

I know how to wake him up.

I climbed on top of him and straddled him as I started kissing his neck. "Baby, we're gonna be late," I said in a soft voice.

"Fuck it," he groaned.

I slowly let my hand travel down his bare chest to underneath his shorts and slowly started to stroke his dick. "Wake up, baby," I said in a soft voice as I went back to kissing his neck.

He put his hand on my bum and started squeezing it as I continued with a very slow handjob. "Horny little bitch," he still had this deep, sexy voice.

"I'm just trying to wake you up," I said innocently as I started to kiss him. "Cos we'll be late,"

"Elle can be late to school once in a while," he muttered, using two hands to squeeze my bum.

"She's gonna be late for her play," I reminded him.

He didn't say anything, he just groaned a little as I continued stroking his dick. He slapped my bum once before moving one hand to my pussy. In surprise, I moaned and put my head down by his shoulder.

He laughed a little. "Yeah, stay quiet now,"

I shut my eyes and enjoyed the moment.

What can I say?

It was nice.

"Ashanti, is Jakim awake yet?" Christelle shouted from downstairs.

I cleared my throat and sat up on Keem again, taking my hand out from his shorts. "Yeah, we're coming right now, don't worry,"

Keem looked at me and smiled a little then pulled out his hand from my panties and licked his fingertips. "Aight, lets go,"

I frowned a little and pouted. Before I knew it, Keem's hand was around my neck as he pulled me down to kiss him.

I felt immediately turned on again. Come on, every girl likes that shit. Being choked is>>>

"I'm your fucking daddy," he didn't growl but he said it in this sexy fucking voice that made me so wet. "Do you understand?" he asked.

"Y-Yeah," I was shocked and out of breath at the same time. Fuckk meeee.

"Yeah who?" he asked, squeezing my neck a bit tighter.

"...yeah, daddy," I almost moaned.

"That's what I like," he smirked and sat up, letting go of me.

I was still in shock as I got off him and stood up. I'm gonna have to change my panties now.

Keem got up and stretched then looked at me as he entered the bathroom. "Why you mad?"

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