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"He likes you, Keem," I told him. "He just doesn't like us together." I said after waving my dad goodbye.

"It's not my fucking fault though. Your brother's moving mad." Keem frowned.

"Yeah, I know, but you didn't have to react to him," I shrugged.

"... you know I don't like when people ask me bare questions," Keem tried to back himself.

"Yeah, I know. You were bare rude to me the first day we met," I remembered when he first walked away from me.

"Man don't like talking," he laughed a little.

"I was actually hurt, cos I really thought you were leng. Then you walked away from me to see Chantae," I laughed a little as well and sat in the lounge in front of the tv. Keem sat next to me as I put on the tv and scrolled through what shows were on.

"You've walked away from me bare times though," Keem put his arm around me, allowing me to lay my head on his shoulder.

"Yeah, but that's cos I can," I looked at him. "You're actually jarring when you're stubborn,"

Keem laughed. "That's how it is, yeah?"

"I'm not gonna argue with you when you're stubborn cah you won't listen to me," I explained.

"What, I don't listen to you?" he asked, playing around, putting me in a loose headlock.

"When you're stubborn," I laughed. "Let go of me, Keem! Allow it,"

Keem didn't let go of me, he just pulled me a even closer to him. Once I'd put on the tv, it was in seconds that I could feel myself falling asleep.



Ti had been asleep for around 20 minutes when I heard the front door open. "What, are you just gonna go to sleep?" Tyrese asked Eli.

"Yeah, I've got a headache," she replied.

"Are you okay?" Ty asked. "Just a headache? Are you sure?"

Eli laughed a little then I heard them kiss. "I'm fine, I'm probably just tired,"

"Are you sure?" he repeated.

"Mm-hm," she said as she went up the stairs.

"Aight, I'll be up in 10 minutes lemme call one of my niggas," Ty said.

"Okay," she went upstairs.

I looked at Ti as she slept. She was so warm against me. I kissed the top of her head and decided to sleep too.


"OH MY GOD," I heard someone scream from upstairs.

I opened my eyes immediately. It was dark.

It's Eli.

"NO! OH MY GOD," she screamed again.

I heard Tyrese run up the stairs. What the fuck was he doing down here in the first place, making sure I didn't fuck Ti?

I slowly let go of Ashanti and let her lay of a pillow.

I heard crying. "God, no," Eli cried.

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