Chapter 2: Heaven's Angel

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I could feel my emotionally failing heart, lungs and brain. My major organs were going to rupture. I broke down at the news and fell on my knees. I cupped my eyes as I tried to conceal a most embarrassing scene but at this very moment, I was broken. The last piece of me was shattered mercilessly by whoever imposed such a fate. I felt the woman's hands pull me in for an embrace. I could also hear many footsteps rushing towards me and stopped suddenly beside me. I wanted to scream so loud but I just cried and sobbed loudly. I stood up, pushed my way through all the people and ran down the long hall. Everything was in slow motion. As I ran down the long hall that seemed like it was never going to end, it felt like I was running towards nothing but an empty, helpless void. I've been through such a path before but this was ten times worse. This was a matter of life and death except, there is actually no more life. Not even within me. After what seemed like an eternity of running, I finally reached a corner. I held onto the rails to keep me from breaking down onto all fours again but even my legs refused to cooperate now. They were shaking and so I let go of the hand rails and fell, crying hysterically all over again.


I woke up and opened my eyes to a white ceiling and bright lights. I lifted my head up to see my surroundings better. I was laying on a hospital bed with a blanket spread out over my lower body.

I hear a light knock on the door followed by a nurse walking in. "Hi, Alexandria. How are you feeling?" She walks towards me slowly with a soft smile on her face and her hands in her pockets. Seeing her face brought flashbacks. I suddenly remembered why I was here.

"What happened? I asked, feeling ever so weak in every inch of my body. There was a brief pause. The nurse stood beside me and looked down at me intently, still softly smiling.

"You ran away after you heard the news. Doctor Martins and the two police officers found you but you had already passed out. The man carried you and placed you here on the spare bed."

"How long has it been?"

"Four hours." I took a deep sigh and looked in the other direction. "I just want you to rest. There's nothing you need to do right now that you need to worry about."

"My mother is going to die in two." I said bluntly. I got up from where I was and put my shoes back on. "Can you take me to her?" My expression was cold.

"If that's what you wish." She nodded.

The nurse lead me out of the room and just down the hallway, was my mother's room. I walked in without the nurse following me. I just wanted to be alone with her for the last time.

I pushed back the curtains around her bed. She was exactly the way I left her. Tangled in wires and tubes of life support. I grabbed a chair and placed it by her bedside. I sat down and looked at her dying complexion. Her short, plump brown hair was fading. Her lips turned purple and there was a partial gap between them. I took her limp hand and held it in mine. My head was resting on my other hand. I stayed in this position for a straight ten minutes until something came to my attention.

My mother's fingers were moving. I could feel them rubbing against my hand.

I stared at her.

Her eyes then fluttered open, but just half way, as if ready to fall back to sleep any moment.

She looked at me.

A tear rolled down my cheek.

A tear also rolled down her cheek.

She held my hand even more tightly, as if using the last bit of energy she had left to perform such an action.

I started sobbing. I didn't know what to do. At this moment I felt as if I was in limbo - between two worlds - between life and death. 

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