Chapter 50: Bonnie And Clyde Without The Clyde

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After a few minutes of playing with Corina in her playpen and talking to Cyrus about dinosaurs, Cyrus told me that he was getting really cold. Unfortunately, they had no heater downstairs and the sun hasn't peaked in through the windows yet. I also didn't know how to work the fireplace. But then I remembered that it should be really warm in my room because I had a large window where the sun lit up my entire room with its heat. Asides from my alarm clock, it's what I woke up to.

"It's really warm in my room. Do you want to play with your toys there?" He nods. I pick little Corina up and carry her upstairs, bringing a few of her toys. Cyrus followed behind, carrying his dinosaur colouring books, pencils and dinosaur toys. I opened the door and thank goodness I was right. It was so much warmer in here. Cyrus found his little spot on the floor and got to work on his colouring books immediately. Corina sat on my lap by the window seat as she fiddled around with her toys. My phone then rang. I picked it up and I didn't recognise the number. That's strange. I saved Auntie and Uncle's numbers last night. "Hello? Who's this?"

"Uhh, Lexa?"


I gasped. ... "Caiden?" My eyes widened.


"Yeah,...hey. Aunt Grace told me to call her on this number. I didn't know it was you, sorry."

"Oh? What did she say?"

"To just call."

Hmm... But why?

"I can give you her actual number. She must have accidentally given you the old one."

"I have her other number too. It's what she used to text me." Oh, duh, Alexa. I mentally facepalm. "But she said to just call this one."

"Can you go ask her why?" 

"Yeah, I will."

"Sorry about that, Caiden." 

"I'll call her later. ... Uhh, what are you doing?" Umm... he cares? Oh, shush, Alexa. He's just simply asking.


"You're what?" He sounded shocked.

I gasped. "Caiden you've never met Corina have you?"

"Nah, why?"

"She's so beautiful, Caiden." I look at Corina who looked back at me with her big beady eyes and long eyelashes.

"No way, she's there right now."

I giggle. "She is. I told you, I'm babysitting."

"Can we uhh, FaceTime?"

"Yes, sure."

I accepted his request on the phone. I immediately see Caiden's face which makes my stomach feel all funny. He looks like he just woke up.

I focused the camera on Corina who was too pre-occupied with her toys. 

Caiden furrowed his eyebrows. "You're not Alexa."

I chuckled, focusing the camera on me. "I'm here, silly!" I roll my eyes.

Caiden smirks and subtly chuckles in his half-asleep tone. I then show Corina's and I's face together. 

"Isn't she beautiful?" I looked down at her.


"Yeah, she is..." I smiled. Caiden sighed. "Hey, Corina." Caiden greeted. She didn't even look up. "Heyyy, Miss?" I chuckled. I clicked my fingers towards the camera and she perked her head up. Caiden smiled. She inspected the phone and what it was showing. Her confused face was so adorable. Caiden hid behind his arm. "Peekaboo."

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