Chapter 32: Playing Dirty

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I was fucking fuming. The thoughts of such a scene were enraging me.

Caiden stood up straight and emotionless. "I'm good where I am. But you can ask my girlfriend. She's been feelin' a little stressed lately." He winks and smirks at me before getting back to work.

The girls gasp and scoff.

Serves you right. That's my boyfriend...pretend boyfriend. Ahem.

"And who exactly are you?" The blonde leader walks up to me, followed by her blonde minions, staunching and all.

Relax, you're like my height - you five foot six bi-

Alexa, calm down. You've won the battle. Caiden shut them down at his own will.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Caiden already told you. I'm his girlfriend." I said casually.

She rolled her eyes. ... "You look like someone." She squinted her eyes at me and tilted her head.

I froze. ... "And who may that be?" I asked as calmly and casually as I could.

"My father used to work for her father but he fired him. Heard he died. Karma." She scoffs. Oh, she has no right... "The famous Alexandria Delavine, don't you know her?"

I mentally took a deep breath. "Yeah, I've heard of her."

She leaned in a little to my face and I stepped back. "Wow, you really do look like her. But then again, no one like, ever sees her. Apparently all she does is swim in the wealth of her parents away from the public eye. And after a paparazzi photo of her landed on the cover of a magazine, she was officially dubbed the most gorgeous teen of our age, like, what? They're so stupid, right?"

"We don't have time for gossip." Jonathan stepped in-between us and clenched his fists.

"Ew. Children. Don't interrupt me." She puts her hand in front of Jonathan's face, pissing me off.

"It's okay, Jonathan. Let her continue." I sighed and flashed her a sarcastic smile.

"And then when both her parents died, obviously she inherited like everything so now she's like, the richest girl of her age. What did she even do to deserve all that? Ugh. What a spoilt brat. Not saying you're pretty or anything just because you sort of look like her but, moral of the story, Caiden doesn't deserve a spoilt brat look-al-"

Her arm was grabbed by none other than Caiden so that she was facing his towering figure. "Listen here you blonde slut. Your fake tits and ugly-ass minions are needed by some crackhead who will actually want them. Now fuck off."

Their jaws dropped to the ground. The girl who was doing all the blabbing broke into a fit and ran away, tripping in her eight inch heels in the process.

I was left speechless.

I had no idea such headlines were made of my public image. I always tried to stay away from the public eye but because of that, it just made people more interested.

But worst of all, it made me remember my mother's passing in the worst way.

I fought to hold back tears...but one escaped.

I wiped it away with lightning speed but Caiden caught me in the act. "Lexa, I'm sorry."

I laughed sarcastically. "What? It's not your fault."

"That went on for longer than it should have."

I shrugged my shoulders. "I wanted to hear her out. This is my first time in a crowd ever so what did I expect? Anyways, don't worry about me. You have to be on the track in five minutes. Come on. We'll wait for you there."

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