Chapter 7: My Lucky Unlucky Day

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All of a sudden, I am startled by something hard that nudges me in the back. Everything falls out of my hoodie pockets. 

I turn around to see a young man with very tanned skin and very curly hair who was dressed like a gardener. He was wheeling a large, metal trolley with all his equipment on it.

"My goodness, señorita, my dearest apologies. I am so short I cannot see what is in front of this huge trolley. Here, let me help you." He said with his thick accent.

I pursed my lips. "It's fine." He picked up all of my things and handed them to me. I thanked him once again and he was off. "Wait! Excuse me?" I paced after him. "There's a bunch of really dead roses over there. Shouldn't they be replaced? My superstitious mother always said that you shouldn't keep dead flowers indoors. It's bad luck." I scoffed.

"Ahh, senorita. Your mother is very right. And thank you very much for bringing that to my attention. Have a lovely day." 

He shot me one last glance and began to work. 

I decided to go visiting a few other places just before lunch in which I planned on eating at the hotel's little cafe. 


One-eight PM.

I decide to head up back to my apartment. I stood up and immediately felt a wave of palette satisfaction. 

Arriving at my door, I rummage around my pockets for my keys. Instead, I just found out pieces of scrunched up paper, rings, a pen and used tissue. Gross.

What the hell?

My heartbeat began to pace faster.

I checked pretty much all over my body. I took my jacket off and yanked it like a mad man. I checked to see if it slid down my pants. I even checked in my shoes. I didn't hide it in my bra either, in which I should have.

Oh my, God. How am I gonna find that tiny key? I should've went to look for a lanyard. The hotel staff are going to kill me.

I enter the elevator to go back to the lobby. I hesitantly approach the woman who welcomed me. She sees me before I reach the desk, jogging. "Hello, Alexandria!" She shot a wide smile which made me feel terrible. I haven't even been here for more than twenty-four hours and I had already lost the keys. I mentally slapped myself.

I was sweating like crazy. She was totally going to scream at me. 

"Hey, umm, I am so sorry but at some point during the day, the key to my apartment must have fallen out of my pocket."

"Oh! Yes! You're in luck today. I think? The hotel's gardener brought this in to the front desk an hour ago. I figured you were out and about so I was just going to find you myself a bit later on but here you are!"

I literally just felt the most immense wave of relief in my life. 

"Oh, thank God." I put my hand over my chest. "Thank you so much."

"No worries, sweetie. Just make sure you don't lose it again. It's a safety thing for you."

"I definitely won't. Do you happen to sell lanyards around here?"

She pulls out a lanyard with the hotel's logo all over it. She smiles with her bright, red lips. "You can have this for free."

I take a deep breath. "Thank you so much."

She chuckles. "Enjoy the rest of your day, sweetie."

"You too." I smile a nervous but relieved smile.

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