Chapter 40: Truth Or Lie?

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"Alexa, I won't know anything for sure but you can't be here to find out. You don't want to be. Just agree to this. I promise it will be as easy as it gets for you to start a completely new life."

I thought and wondered hard at the statement. ... "In a week, you say?" He nods. "It's my decision, right?" 

"Alexa, don't -"

"I didn't say no. But give me time to just think. Please."


We stared at each other in silence that was consuming us.


I sat on the lounge after dinner, laughing at the jokes that Chase was telling us. I zoned out for a moment. I found out that only Caiden and Noah knew about the plan. I told them not to tell Chase and Jonathan just yet because...what if I have developed a relationship with them that did mean I meant something to them; anything. Anything at all. How were they going to react? Caiden told me that I'll never have to see anyone again as if he thought I didn't care much for the Corleones. I'll admit, when Caiden's around, I don't usually show it. My walls go right up. But how could I possibly just disregard the lifetime's worth of emotions, experiences, laughter and smiles that the boys have shown me? Including Caiden...

"Alexa, c'mon, help me out here. Jonathan acts like such a baby most of the time right? His comic books are so stupid." Chase laughs an evil laughter and Jonathan tackles him onto the couch.

A smile develops on my face. "Actually, I love DC though."

They froze and looked at me.

"DC or Marvel, right now." Chase looks me dead in the eye and points at me while his knee and other arm still held Jonathan down.

I sighed and smiled, looking down, thinking hard. "I just can't choose, Chase! I really do love them both but I'm obviously going to have to take Jonathan's side because of the unfair treatment you give him." I chuckled.

"Yeah! Alexa always has may back, man." They proceed to tackling each other.

I scoff in laughter. Boys.

I looked outside and saw that it was already very dark. I decided to go head up. I hopped onto my wheelchair and all of a sudden I was running 5 G's around the room. 

"Vroom Vrooooom!"

"AAHHHHH!!!" I screamed. I turned to see that Chase was pushing me on the wheelchair and I tried slapping him off but he was laughing his ass off.

"Say weeeeee!"

"Chase you jerk!!!" I crouched into my seat as my stomach developed butterflies. "Stop!!!" Just then, I saw Jonathan attempt to stop Chase in his tracks by standing in front of me but Chase just swerved and Jonathan's dive missed by a mile. I was laughing and dying at the same time. "Chase, you're putting pressure on my ankle!"

He came to a complete halt. "Oh shit. Sorry, cripple. Hahaha."

Damn. Everyone really is trying to get rid of me, huh? Whether it's by killing me importing me to another country. I mentally scoffed. "I absolutely despise you!" I slapped his arm as he succumbed to laughter and I hid mine. I crossed my arms. "Now you have to push me all the way to my bedroom. Hmph." 

"Whatever you ask for, Princess." He winked.

And of course, we sped away...


After taking a long, hot shower, I came out limping. Thankfully, my period should end tomorrow though. 

I wiped the steam off the mirror. I gazed into my reflection and sighed. ... I don't recognise the person I was over two months ago. My complacent personality has been replaced by so many things - too many things for me to ignore. It may seem like I have forgotten my mother for the longest time but truthfully, not a day goes by where I don't at least acknowledge that she existed. And unfortunately, it is just limited to that because I don't have the fondest memories of her. When she left...for good...I was left with Ian who planned out my entire year. Even though that only lasted a few days, I knew I was already adapting so well. But of course, that was all a waste. I got here and I have made a lifetime's worth of memories that I feel like only time can tell whether in the long run, they're good or bad. It was a much harder adaptation - to this very day. But one thing I am sure of, they've changed me completely. But now, I'm expected to leave all that behind and start all over again. What is my breaking point?

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