Chapter 25: The Moon And The Stars Is All I Ask For

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There was a rack holding all sorts of different-sized guns.

He opened up a padlocked tray of all sorts of ammunition.

It was more weaponry than I've seen my whole life but I could see why they were getting desperate for money. They had more guns than ammunition which is pretty much useless.

If another ambush came to them, no one's safe.

"On top of that, I gave the other guys just enough to protect themselves."

"So who's car would you sell?"

He scoffs. "We're thinkin' of selling the one with the lowest value - Chase's." Poor Chase.

"How much can you sell it for?"

"Retail price is around one-twenty-K and hasn't been that far so probably ninety?"

I widened my eyes and raised my eyebrows. "That sounds very sufficient." He nodded. We came out of the room and I went over to explore the other parts of the garage. I walked over to a workshop-looking area. I assumed this was where Noah worked his magic too. I then walked over to this gym thingie. It had all sorts of equipment that I've never seen before. I turned to Caiden who was sitting on the staircase. "Did these come with the building?"

He started rubbing his lower lip. "Umm, nope."

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked both ways. "Then how?"

There was a brief pause.


"Most of the stuff we have are stolen - except the cars and some of the weapons."

My jaw dropped.

I walked over to him slowly. "The food is stolen?"


"What about all your clothing?"


"The furniture?"

"Yep." My jaw dropped. How the hell did they even - You know what? I'm not even going to bother.



I facepalmed. "And where on Earth do you guys steal?"

"There's a furniture store around here that we pretty much hijacked with the van which was pretty fun - getting all that heavy shit out of there as quick as we could." He laughs to himself. I sighed. "There's a few convenience stores and clothing stores around here that barely anyone goes to."

"How have you guys not gotten caught yet?" I put my hands on my waist.

"First of all, there are no security cameras in these parts, the store owners are old and careless as hell but most importantly we're quick and cunning." He winked.


I mentally shook myself and sighed. "You guys do you, I guess... I'm hungry." I changed the subject.

I walked past him up the stairs and waited for him to open the door.

He put in his print ID and password and just stood there.

I looked at him.

"Open it. I'm giving you the honours."

I rolled my eyes.

I pulled the door as hard as I could in every way that I could while Caiden just stood there with his arms folded, smirking in amusement. A total jerk he is.

I gave up gasping for air.

He finally pulled the door open, tensing all his arms muscles making it look effortless. At least it wasn't a push door. I would've looked really stupid.

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