Author's Note

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Thank you so much to @simplyyanne for the beautiful book cover above!!! Also, if you're a Jadine fan, please please please go check out her one shot stories.


Hello, my lovelies! I'm so sorry for not updating in the last week. I've been very...pre-occupied. 

The next chapter is going to be the final chapter of this book but don't fret! Just a very minor spoiler... The final chapter does have a very prominent cliffhanger just because I am in the process of writing the sequel. I'm so excited for you all! I know there are so many unanswered questions but I promise you all that this next book will relieve a lot of your...desires...and questions,...of course. Hehe. This was initially only meant to be one book but throughout the process of writing it, I realised there is so much content to explore that I myself want to write. Therefore, this will most likely turn into a trilogy. So please bare with me and thank you all so much for the votes and comments. You guys don't know how much it means to me!!!

xxo, Trish

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