Chapter 41: Stay With Me

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Two days have passed since the big talk I had with Caiden about where my future lies. In that time, I have been endlessly thinking about the same things on repeat. Caiden was out for pretty much the entire day on the morning I woke up from him carrying me to bed. Him, Noah and Chase have been having very regular meetings with the other boys. Tension must be really burning up between the gangs and I'm not gonna lie; it's scaring me a little more day by day. It usually just blew over in the past if the boys took extra precaution but now, I get really bad feelings that won't cut it this time. These aren't just petty grievances. These disagreements stemmed from when Jonathan was only a baby so his dad has been in a gang ever since. Not to mention, this involves guns. 

Caiden and I did go to bed at the same time last night, not saying too much to each other, but again, I woke up without him and even though it's now nighttime, he's been out ever since. But that night, he gave me more information on the growing tension and details about my departure. It was being organised. Noah came back to retrieve something just after Jonathan and I had dinner. He asked Jono to fix something in one of the bathrooms so right now, I'm just here in bed staring at the panoramic sea of city lights as I slowly drifted off to sleep. I sighed. I'd probably go crazy if Jonathan wasn't here to keep me company all this time because I'll admit, I'm not too fond of being alone anymore.

I lay down and looked to the empty side of the bed before closing my eyes.


I was jolted awake by my body. For some reason, I woke up with a dreadful feeling. I had no clue what it was. Actually, I got off my period yesterday and my ankle is healing really well as all I've pretty much been doing is sitting, lying down and sleeping, and so my hormones are most likely just playing up. 

I lifted my head to examine the weather outside. It was extremely cloudy and it looked freezing. I dearly hope the boys are staying somewhere warm right now. 

I didn't feel like eating breakfast but for the sake of joining Jono, I'll go. I honestly just felt like staying under the blanket the entire day.


"I actually don't know, aye. Noah told me yesterday when he came back that he didn't know either but Noah will pop in to check on us every now and then if he knows they'll still be a while. Why, you miss Caiden, don't you?" I widened my eyes. Jonathan winked and nudged me, making me almost spit my cereal out.

I flicked his ear and he winced in pain and laughter. "Shush. You are ridiculous."

"But you didn't deny it." He continued winking excessively.

I death stared him for a solid few seconds. "Is there something in your eye, Jono? What about I poke it out with a fork?" I flashed him a sarcastic smile and went back to eating my scrumptious cereal.

Just then, much to my absolute surprise, the three boys walk in through the garage looking cold and tired. 

"Speak of the devils and they shall appear!" Jono exclaimed.

Chase ruffled Jonathan's hair and mine before putting his arm around us. "How are my two lovely children? Y'all been good?"

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "We've been perfectly fine, Chase." I smiled.

Noah began toasting some bread and boiling some water while Caiden, smoking, again, went straight to the elevator.

"Yeah, sorry we were out for a day and a bit. Things are a little...tense. But honestly, shit will fly over soon. Don't worry about it."

I could tell that wasn't all to it...obviously. Noah just genuinely didn't want to worry Jonathan and I but for the sake of Jonathan and how tired the boys look, I won't hustle for questions. 

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