Chapter 35: Bitch Is Karma

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After breakfast, Jaxon insisted on washing the dishes and cleaning up the table even though he was just a guest here. Who would have thought in a million years that gang members had such lovely manners?

"Imagine all the weapons we can buy with that money." Chase said with much awe in his voice.

Caiden, Noah, Jonathan, Chase and I sat on the couches. 

"Well, we don't gotta imagine anymore because the boys and I will be getting them today." Noah adds.

Jaxon came to join us, flopping on the seat beside me and extending his arm behind my neck. I raised my eyebrows at him with a subtle, sheepish smile.

"I don't think I've gotten to formally know you. I'm Jaxon De Silva and you are?"

Oh, we're starting from the top are we?

"I'm Alexandria Delavine."

"That's a really pretty name." He smiles and I reciprocate, blushing.

"Smooth, Jax." Caiden had his arms folded and subtly glared at Jaxon. "Get it all out."

"Huh?" Jaxon looked confused.

"I said get it all out. What, dumb blondes aren't satisfying enough for you?" Caiden spoke normally but it terrified me beyond measure. 

"Caiden?" I gasped. I look at him, a little horrified. What's gotten into him? That was kind of rude... Was he talking about the girls that Jaxon was with last night? 

"Caiden, what the fu-" 

Noah clears his throat, cutting Jaxon off. "Guys. Cut it out." He raised his voice "All of us, except you Jonathan, as usual, will go to the docks where weaponry are usually smuggled in." Jonathan glared at him. My mind was still on the topic of whatever the hell just happened. "We'll all bring our cars so we can split the load. There's gonna be heaps."

I mentally shook my head. ... "Uhh, the cars that are currently sitting in the garage? Isn't that drawing too much attention to yourselves?" I asked.

"What if we need to outrun the cops?"

I'm just going to pretend Chase never even asked that. 

"Hmm... She's right. We'll just walk over to Jaxon's hideout and use their cars. It's not even that far." Noah said. "By the way, the ship doesn't get here 'til around eight at night. 'Til then, what about we count the payment that Baxter needs?" I'm assuming that's the weapon smuggler.

"Jax and I can do that." Chase stands up with the two other boys and they head for the garage.

"Alright, well, I'm heading downtown to meet up with Jacob, Elijah and Ethan." They must be the Corleone boys stationed in the city. "They have news on CMB."

"I'll come with." Caiden adds.

"Alright, let's go. See you later, Alexa."

I then feel my stomach slightly cramp up.


Oh no.

We all know what that is.


I head over to the elevator.



Next thing I knew, I was on the floor wincing in pain. I had just slid over a couple hundred dollars on the floor. Literally. Tears were forming in my eyes as the sharp, throbbing pain began to crawl up my body from my ankle. My breathing became restricted because I didn't want to scream and alert the others to my clumsiness. But then, which idiot spills a couple hundred dollars on the floor?!

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