Chapter 37: 21 Questions

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I glare at him. Don't get any thoughts now.

"What was your favourite subject at school - junior and senior?"

"PE in junior and probably physics in senior or engineering. Yeah, engineering actually."

I visibly gag.

"Yay, math." I visibly cringe.

"Let me guess. Four units of English?"

"Is that question?"

He rolls his eyes. "Yeah, whatever."

"Yep." I pop the 'p'. 

"Who's bothered?" He cringes.

"What?! English is so easy. And for extension two, I have this entire year to write a short story which may get published if I do really well. I've already started." I said in a very giddy way.

He nodded slowly before laughing subtly. We were total polar opposites in the educational area.

"Cool. Love that for you, man." 

"Alright, my turn. Do you plan on going to college?"

He shrugs his shoulders. "It's my gap year right now but I don't know if I'll go next year."

I gasped. "Oh, you're a year above me! What was your GPA?"

"Uhh you didn't know? And my GPA is shit." I had a feeling he was though.

"Well, I would have to write a biography on you if you got 5.0 even with all the gang business."


I gasped. "B?!" I clapped my hands. Better than I expected...

He scoffs, hiding his smile. "Let's see you ace it."

I laughed. "Eh. I'd be alright with a 4.5." 

Caiden looked at me a with a blank expression. "Alright, Miss Einstein." He scoffs in shock. "My turn. And I get to ask two 'cause you did."

"Fine by me." 

"Favourite food?"

"I like nice, big breakfasts so things like all the different kinds of eggs, pineapple juice, hot chocolate, warm croissant, bacon, buttered rolls, etcetera." I daydreamed.

"And how do you feel that you don't have that around here?"

"Ugh, Caiden. It's not actually all that bad. I told you a million times, I'm not spoilt. Plus, I'd hate to get used to it. It's something my housemaids made every single morning in Cali and I realise now that I took it for granted."

"We probably can get all of that from the supermarket but uhh, we usually just grab whatever and bolt."

"No, thank you. I don't want you stealing all of that. Thanks for the offer though." I smile sweetly as he rolls his eyes. "Okay, my turn. Could you live the rest of your life without the internet? Oh and nice, elaborate answers, please." I smile.

"Yeah. Me and all the boys had to pretty much ditch our phones for as long as we'll be here in this part of Newark. There's no signal so there's no point. We usually go without our phones for months at a time. No biggie, except the porn. That was a pretty big loss." He pouted.

"Are you kidding me right now?!" I mentally puke.

"According to Chase..." He puts his arms up in defence.

"Boys are so gross. I think it's a good thing I didn't grow up around them." I gag.

"No, you're just glad you didn't go through puberty with them. You'd be a totally different person." He winks at me and I glare at him.

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