Chapter 45: About Last Night...

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The lights were immensely bright but it hit my skin so nicely. I groaned. I tried moving around but realised I was a little constricted. I realised my face was right next to bare skin. My hand and head rested on a very hard surface. It slowly moved up and down. There was also a big arm that embraced me. I have never felt so warm. I lay there in pure comfort for a solid two minutes until I realised...

I slightly perked up with painfully squinted eyes. 

Oh my fuck.

I was cuddling Caiden.

Oh my shit. 

Did he even realise? Of course not. He would so not let that happen.

I slowly removed his arm and put it beside him. He was fast asleep. 

My head throbbed like hell. My heart palpitated as if it was about to rip through my chest and skyrocket through the atmosphere. I clutched my head and winced in pain. It was painful trying to remember what happened last night but no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't. Fuck hangovers man. Do I even want to remember what happened last night? I think the few memories I have is drinking a lot of cruisers, dancing and then being carried up here by Caiden. That's it. But why did we end up cuddling? Was he drunk as well? Ugh. I'm going to have a seizure and a concussion if I keep trying to remember. 

There was no way it was going to be easy to stand up. But I tried anyway. I limped to the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I limped to the toilet and saw that there were drops of piss on the toilet seat. Ugh. Caiden! It's lovely that he wants to show off he has white piss but don't even start with this filthy habit. There was so much too. Gross. We were clearly so damn drunk. I wiped it all off. I then took a huge piss myself and turned the shower on. I made sure it was steaming hot. I need everything out of my system ASAP.

I moaned as the hot water ran down my bare skin. The steam engulfed me and I succumbed to it completely...


That was an amazing thirty-minute shower. I forgot how much hangover showers are the best. The world has finally stopped spinning. I still had a very bad headache but breakfast should ease that. I was also still a bit weak all over my body but I could definitely walk now. 

I changed into matching red silk pyjamas - a button-up shirt and shorts. I stepped out into the mild chilliness of the room and saw that Caiden was sprawled out on his stomach all over the bed - even on my side. I stood on the bedside, drying my hair and looking down at him with much amusement.

He turned his head and looked up at me.

"A long, hot shower helps, you know?" He just stares at me. ... "Go on. It's your turn."

"Five minutes." He mumbled.

"Oh and when you're pissing, can you please lift the toilet seat up? I had to wipe off so much of your disgusting white piss. There was soooo much too. Ugh."

"Uhhhh... Shit." His eyes widened.

"It's fine. You were drunk too so that is your only pass." I smiled widely. "Now go and shower so we can have breakfast."

He lay on his side facing me. His hair was all messy and his entire torso was exposed in the late morning sunlight. His tattoo was striking. 


I am in awe.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" He asks.

"Yeah, kind of."

"Like what?" He squinted his eyes.

"Drinking a lot, dancing and you carrying me to bed." I shrugged my shoulders and giggled. "Sorry. You must have been pretty out too."

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