Chapter 26: Our First Night

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"Uhh... Hi."

He laugh-scoffed. "I asked if you were already going to sleep this early?"

"I, uhh, yeah?"

I let out a soft breath. Why did I feel so suffocated all of a sudden in a very spacious room?

"Grandma." He mumbled under his breath.

He walked into the bathroom and washed his face.

"Why do you ask anyway?"

"I was going to drink with the boys."

"And? No one's stopping you."

"And come in here drunk and stumbling all over the place?" I shrugged my shoulders. "The fact that I'll pass on that tonight already shows I'm acknowledging your presence in sharing my room. You should be happy." He grouched.

"Wow. Give this guy a medal. For the first time in his life he's going to pass on getting wasted." I smiled sarcastically at him.

He glared at me through the mirror.

"So you think I get drunk often?"

I tucked myself into bed. "I don't know. I never knew what any of you were up to during the night. And none of you strike me as the ones to sleep any earlier than three in the morning." He scoffed. He walked over to his floor arrangement and took his shirt off, leaving it a mess on the floor. My eyes went full-sized and my jaw dropped to the ground. "What are you doing?!" It was so dark however so I could barely see too much.

He looks at me dumbfounded. "I'm going to sleep?" He said casually.

"No, why did you take your shirt off?" I exclaimed.

"Because I'm going to sleep?" He said casually once again.

Ughhh! He really gets on my nerves. 

"Ahem. Viewer discretion?"

"Maybe if you actually stopped staring, you wouldn't mind. Plus, this is my room. Don't forget that." He brushes me off. So. Rude.

I was taken aback by the comment and immediately looked away, gasping and making an 'O' shape with my mouth. He scoffed.

I just realised, was I really complaining? Of course I was! Oh, forget it, Alexa. There's never any point in arguing with the world's most rude and stubborn boy.

I then saw him lay down on the floor where his sheet was spread out under him. It was merely a thin layer separating him and the air above the floor - so not even the floor. Has he slept like this all year?



"Are you sure you don't want the bed? I can sleep on the floor."

"Had enough of comfy beds, have we? Such is the life of a Princess." He chuckles to himself.


"I've had my share. But it doesn't stop me from thinking about others!"

"Aw. You think about me?"

I groaned. "Forget it. Get a sore back like an old man for all I care."

He laughs in a teasing way. "Night, Princess."

"Good. Night." I sighed.


My eyes flutter open to the sight of glorious daylight. Oh have I missed this. Nature's warmth filled the spacious air. You can only take so much of waking up in a cold, secluded room with no windows for so long.

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