Chapter 29: Rover's Bakery At Summit 3

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{Alexandria's POV}

I smiled at him. "Thank you."

I went back to my initial spot, slowly regaining my breath.

I closed my eyes.

I tried to process what had just happened but I couldn't.

When he was ripping the patch off, it was so painful but...I couldn't really feel it? It was as if that was the only area in my body that experienced a blunted sensation. Everywhere else, it was heightened to heights I didn't know existed - just because he touched me.

And when he started massaging the affected area, I felt...wonderful.

I never thought I'd say that about any interaction regarding Caiden in my lifetime.

My entire body felt so weak and tingly in the strangest places.

I slowly opened my eyes to Caiden sighing and looking in all sorts of directions but mine.


"Wanna grab dinner?" I asked.

"Huh? Uhh, yeah, sure. Let's go." I stepped out first then Caiden followed. Wrapping our towels around us, we shivered our way back to the elevator. "Hey, Alexa, can I use the bathroom first? I gotta, umm, go to the toilet real bad."

"Yes, sure. I still have to pick out clothes anyway." As soon as the elevator door opened, he jogged to the bathroom. Goodness, was it that urgent?

I picked out grey silk shorts and a white tight fit long-sleeve for dinner.

Caiden spent about ten minutes in the bathroom. He came out with a towel low around his waist.

He looked a lot more relaxed and at ease.



How much more can I take before...

Uhh, take what? I ask myself.

Honestly, sometimes I feel there is another Alexandria within me - an alter ego - who just tries to derail me from every train of rational thought.

Water was trickling down his extremely sculpted body, from his tattoo all the way down to his prominent v-line.

I forced myself to look away, entering the bathroom.

I slumped myself on the shower wall, finally able to breathe properly.

I have to try and steer clear of Caiden a little more from now on. My emotions just get too out of control. I feel like I'm floating in the clouds. I don't even know what that means.

After ten minutes, I get out to dry myself, and change into my pyjamas.

Ready to head to dinner, I saw Caiden leaning on his wardrobe with his hands in his pant pockets.

My eyes widened. I thought he had already made his way to dinner.

I squinted my eyes at him. "Are you waiting for me?"

"Don't get a big head now. Let's go."

I chuckled and went with him all the way down to the ground floor.

We found the boys crowded around the coffee table, looking at something. We walked towards them. They were looking down at a poster with all sorts of cartoonish and childish pictures.

"What's this?" I asked.

Chase rubbed his hands together. "We're going racing, baby!"

My jaw dropped. "What?"

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