Chapter 43: Girls Just Wanna Have Booze

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I couldn't deny that I did want to sip on something that was not water or soft drink. Hell, I don't even drink soft drink. Gross.

"Are there any cruisers around, Noah? You know, something that's a little less than six percent?"

"Yeah, there's some just over there - ... Nooo, Alexa, no. No way." I flashed him a sweet smile as I began to walk over to the bucket containing the cruisers. There was only about four so they were probably spares or something. "Alexa, Caiden is going to kill us!"

"Then go over there! Pretend you never saw this." I whisper-shouted.

Noah intercepted me and the bucket. "What the - I can't just leave you to do this! I heard the champagne story." He glared down at me.

"Ugh. That was a long time ago! I promise, I'll be a lot more mature. "Pleeease?" I pouted.

"You never know - he might let you have a tiny sip so just wait and ask Caiden."

I slumped my shoulders.

"Ask me what?" I spun around to a deep voice that belonged to none other than Caiden who seemed to have changed into a loose tank top. His entire physique was strikingly 'in my face'. His biceps made my eyes involuntarily bulge out their sockets but thankfully, I was quick to mentally shake my myself from the irrationality of the thought.

"Uhh, umm, I-I..." Suddenly, I wasn't so sure if rebelling against Caiden was such a good idea. "Heheh. Nothing." *Insert nervous emoji*

"Tell me. Now."

"I just...wanted to ask you if...I could...umm...go upstairs now!" I smiled as chill as I could.


Caiden looked at me with his signature blank expression. "Noah, what does she want?"

I stared at Noah, my bpm through the roof.

He pursed his lips, looked to the ground, folded his arms then looked at Caiden and I. "She wants to drink." My jaw dropped. Caiden raised his eyebrows, folding his arms and therefore intensifying his biceps. But I'm not having any of it. Thanks, Noah. "Alexa, I'm sooo sorry but I can't just let you drink. You're too...innocent. I don't wanna see you fucked up and all."

"I'm not even looking to get fucked up! I just wanted a little bit. If everyone here is going to go wild off alcohol, and I'm just in the corner sipping water, then I might as well just leave." I sarcastically chuckle. I attempt to leave but Noah cuts me off again.

"Vodka is a big jump from wine, Alexa. I'm just scared for you,...that's all." He looked down at me with a concerned look on his face. I honestly understood but c'mon... They're just cruisers,...right? "But cruisers aren't all that bad..." Right?! "I don't know... Ask Caiden."

We await Caiden's response who looked like his internals were about to rupture with boiled blood. ... "This is my second last night here, Caiden. Can't I have a little fun with the gang for the first and last time?" Whoa. Where'd that come from? Didn't I just want to come down, say hi and go back to my reading?

Caiden thought long and hard, most likely having a mental debate with himself, weighing the pros and cons, analysing every possible consequence... "Fine...on a few conditions." Noah and I spun around. No way. No freakin' way. Eek! Yay! "Two bottles max. Two hour intervals and heaps of water in-between. Got it?"

I lit up with joy.

Let's party.


Caiden grabbed some more beer with his friends and some cousins while I hung around Jono and Jacob. Caiden said I wasn't allowed to drink 'til he had finished so he can watch my every move.

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