Welcome Introduction

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Hello, my lovelies! 

I am beyond thrilled to be able to share this exciting journey with every single one of you. An entire year of sleepless nights, tears, research and labour has gone into the creation of my masterpiece. I really do hope you all enjoy the story! It has been completed!

Please feel free to leave comments and I will be sure to be very active Also, I'd would really appreciate it if you guys voted as well... Thank you, all!

Also, I don't own any of the photos. As a disclaimer, this story does contain very explicit language, sexual themes, alcohol use, violence and overall mature themes. This story is set in the USA but I'm not from there so I don't pretend to know about their school structure and legal system so I sort of integrated it with Australia's. I hope that's not a big deal to anyone since it's not the main part of the story at all but also, this is solely for entertainment purposes... 

And be careful... Nothing is what you will expect... This, I promise you... 

Once again, enjoy!!!

xxo, Trish

Oh P.S., there's an extremely exciting and raunchy sequel in the making...but you will need to have read 'Imagine Us' first! Thank you! I'm so excited to share everything with you all!!!

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