Chapter 34: Sleeping Beauty and The Beast

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I quickly swerved away and kissed his cheek before cupping my mouth and giggling, again, like a little school girl.

Caiden ruffled his hair and smirked before letting out a deep breath and clenching his jaw. "Was that your first time kissing a guy on the cheek?"

"First time kissing a guy, period. But don't get full of yourself now. You kinda deserve some praise after nearly dying."

"Praise. She calls it praise." He smirks his signature cocky smirk which never fails to send butterflies flying into my stomach.

"Ugh, whatever. Hey, we gotta get back to the boys." I interrupted whatever tension there was in the little air that we had.

The smirk never left his face. He's totally smirking because I'm too scared to kiss him on the lips. Okay, hell yeah I was! No way that was happening. No way, no way, no way. A kiss on the cheek is more than enough. Plus, everyone can do that. People do it to their friends casually.

That's it. Casual. It was nothing more than a casual kiss, Alexa.

Caiden starts the car and I involuntarily lean into him, wrapping my arms around his neck. I surprised myself with the action but I was also quick to shrug it off. Need to make sure he's got a full view of the road!

We exit cautiously and hit the quiet road.

I just realised how close I was to him. This is the longest skin on skin contact we've ever had. It was such a strange feeling. I couldn't describe it.

I just knew I felt safe.


{Caiden's POV}

We were less than five minutes away from our building.

Alexa had fallen asleep. Her arms were still wrapped around my neck. Her head was buried into the side of my neck in which she breathed softly on. It tickled a little. The rising and falling of her chest was...soothing. Her kiss lingered on my cheek. Damn, that was strange. I'll admit. I don't think I've ever been surprised like that.

Not to mention, I still had this fucking boner and it will stay here 'til Alexa ceases to exist - I mean 'til she wakes up and gets off. I don't get boners solely because Alexa exists, what the fuck? Crazy talk. Anyone gets boners anytime.

I finally pulled up to the end of the long driveway where the garage stood.

I hopped onto the walkie talkie as quietly as I could. "Noah." I whispered. No reply. You've got to be shitting me. "Yo, Noah."

"Yo, Caiden! Where are you?"

Thank fuck. I was highly considering gently ramming onto the garage with my car over and over again, like a knock.

"I'm outside. Open the garage."

It slowly opened, revealing the two other cars and all the boys...and stacks of cash right in the middle.

I parked the car and Jonathan opened the passenger seat.

I ushered him to keep quiet and he cupped his mouth.

I don't think he did that to keep quiet but. Chill, bro.

Chase came into view. 

"Get all the money out. Alexa fell asleep."

The boys eagerly peered in, smirking and wiggling their eyebrows.

I muttered, "Fuck youse" and stuck my finger up about a million times.

They took out all the cash and closed the door, leaving me, sleeping beauty and a shit load more of breathing space.

I looked down at her face.

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