Chapter 4: Your Honour

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I sat upright on my bed, extremely startled.

"I sent in a very detailed proposal as soon as you left and they responded almost immediately. They pretty much pushed you to be first in line now!"

I was very confused. I was so certain this was going to take weeks to be processed but no. How am I even going to get ready in time? What the hell am I even supposed to do?

"Why would they do that?" I stood up and started pacing back and forth.

"Well, Alexa, you're pretty famous around here - more than ever." He began to whisper. "So it could've been out of pity."

My head was spinning. I took a deep breath. "So what time is it going to be?"

"Eight AM sharp."

"I am nowhere near prepared. What do I even say at court tomorrow?" I could feel my heart fighting to jump out my skin.

"You just need to relax. I'll be there beside you every second. I just need you to remain calm at all times and answer whatever questions the judge may have, truthfully. It's that easy. *Pffft* It's not like you have anything to hide." He has a point??? "The entire point of this court hearing is only to prove to the judge that you are stable in all dimensions of health. They may ask what your plans are for the future and that sort of stuff. But I will wholeheartedly respect your decision if you want me to postpone."

"No, I can do it." I sighed.

"This is good. The sooner, the better. I'll catch an uber to your place and I'll be there around eight-thirty. That good?"

"Yeah, alright."

"Well, you better sleep now to catch as much Z's as you can."

"I'll see you tomorrow."

Oh my.



I jumped to the upright position and winced my eyes open. The bright sun rays shot right at me. I covered my face to shield it.

I looked at the alarm clock and shut it off.

I felt like a corpse.

Seven-fifty AM. I don't think I've ever seen those set of numbers in my life.

I flopped back into bed and pulled the covers back onto me. 

I closed my eyes...



I jumped up again.

I looked at the alarm clock. 

Eight-twenty AM, it read. 

You have got to be kidding me. I swear I just shut my eyes for five seconds.

I bolted out of bed and ran straight to the ensuite bathroom. I hastily brushed my teeth and cleansed my face. Thank God for dead straight hair hardly ever needing a hairbrush. I was out of the bathroom and at my wardrobe in a flash.

I glanced at the clock. Eight-twenty-four AM it read.

I need to dress smart and presentable. I yanked on a black pencil skirt and a white,  long-sleeve which I tucked in. I threw on a pair of black pumps and clipped on a pair of diamond studs. I grabbed my phone and white, Chanel handbag and I flew out my door and down the stairs. I had to have something to eat otherwise I'll faint. But that's fine. I'll eat it in the car. I chucked in two small yoghurt tubs, a banana and a bottle of water in my bag. I ran to the full body mirror near the front door. I shoved my hair in a low messy bun and straightened myself out.

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