Chapter 9: A Hundred To Zero

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The same stranger who hid me in the corridor along with him opened the door and leaned on the doorframe with his hands in his hoodie pockets. I was directly in his line of sight. What is up with his cold stares?! It sent the most electrifying shivers up and down my spine.

"What do you want?! Get out of here! I'll - I'll call the police on you! You'll be in huge trouble!" I panicked and breathed heavily.

The stranger looked down and scoffed. He licked his lips in amusement. This was not funny! He then looks back up at me. "You have a towel around you but you're still dripping all over the place. Post-hangover shower?"

That voice.

That smooth, calm, deep, mysterious voice. I was having a concussion as of now.

But he was right. I looked down dumbfounded and totally forgot that I was three quarters naked. There was also a huge puddle of water around me and my long, drenched hair kept trickling large drops of water down my arms and legs. And I was so confused as to why he knew I had a hangover. Why was this towel so short?! This is so embarrassing. Ugh! That's the least of my problems right now! I swear I'm about to be attacked by this serial killer slash stalker slash pervert!

I threw on my wooly robe and sealed it tight in a flash, my towel falling off in the process. His eyes never left me.

"You are such a pervert! I'm calling the police right now!" He laughs lowly - that of a deadly, evil one. "Who were those people that broke into my apartment?!"

"You don't get to ask questions. I just saved your ass. Thank me later."


"That works too." I could feel my body fuming like a volcano. Don't get me wrong, I was still scared shitless and my legs were shaking but where is my phone?! I was rummaging through all my sheets, looking back and forth at the stranger making sure he doesn't attack me while I'm off guard but he literally just stayed in the same position, with the same line of sight without a bother in the world. After two minutes, I gave up. I think I'm just going to have to fight my way through this. I stood at the end of the room, staring the stranger down, hands by my side, breathing heavily, lips pursed and eyes squinted. "Have you given up?" He carelessly asks me.


He pulls out an object from his back pocket. A dismantled object. I looked closely from where I stood.

My phone. He has my phone!

"You destroyed my phone!" I shouted at him. I was going to burst in hot, furious tears.

"A lightweight and a memory span of a goldfish? I found it at the bottom of the building like this sooo, you can't accuse me doing anything." He smirks. "Ring any bells?"

I cupped my mouth in sudden and horrifying realisation. I dropped my phone from the balcony. I got the slightest flashback of that scene. It was just before I literally got knocked out.

"Wait a minute. I know who you are!" My eyes widened as I pointed at him. "I got a weird call from a stranger last night claiming he was my step-brother! He was stalking me! That was you! Marcus told me some very bad things about you!"

He slowly claps his hand with a straight face. "I'm sure he did. But seriously. Enough of the stalking. I don't want to be here. But, drunk or sober, I made a deal with you and it wasn't kept. Not that I'm surprised. Either way, I'll get what I want." He shrugs his shoulders.

"I don't have ten thousand dollars on me right now anyway!"

"No shit, Princess."

"I mean, I am not in control of my bank account just yet!" I was furious.

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