Chapter 21: My Peace

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How the hell did that happen?

I walked past them and ran to my room. I shut the hallway door and my own door.

I then fell onto my bed, crying.

Well there we go. Another trigger of overly sensitive emotions that dwelt at the back of my mind partially as a result of excessive build up. But what I said has to be true. It can't possibly be anything otherwise, right? They needed money for goodness sake. Maybe not at the moment anymore but they will certainly need it down the track. They'll also refuse to want to "protect" me anymore.

My crying died down as soon I got to be by myself.

I felt as if I was getting closer to knowing what was changing me here. Obviously the environment is different but then like I said before, there's definitely something else.

It's almost as if...there's something I want very deep down inside of me but I cannot have or more like, I refuse to have.

Oh, I don't know. Enough overthinking today. How exhausting.


I groaned.

I didn't even realise I fell asleep, again. I sat upright, knowing I wasn't going to feel like falling asleep again. I could tell it was a very quick nap as I still felt pretty tired but was no longer exhausted.

I grabbed a book, hopped out of bed and quietly opened my door. I tiptoed to the hallway door and quietly opened that one too. I looked around the common room for signs of life. No one. Looking at the clock, it was now eleven o'clock. Everyone must be asleep by now. I tiptoed to the elevator and stepped in. Off I was to the top floor for some fresh air.

Leaning on the back wall, I got an instant flashback of the bloodbath that took place here.

I really do just lose it sometimes - well, ever since I got here.

I stepped out of the elevator. Exactly what I needed. I breathed in the refreshing breeze.

I put my book down on the seats and walked over to the balcony.

I really do love the night lights. The view was so perfect from here.

It was a very quiet place since most of the buildings around here were abandoned.

All of a sudden I heard the elevator door open and I froze.

Oh God.

I closed my eyes.

I breathed in.


"Alexa." I didn't even breathe out. I then swallowed. Why oh why? "Can we talk?" ... He sighed. He came up beside me and leaned onto the railings. I stayed looking ahead of me, wind blowing through my long hair.

"What?" I heard him perfectly but I was just so confused. He took a deep breath. "Did Noah put you up to this?"

"What? No. Sort of. Yeah but I've thought about it myself and yeah, we do need to talk. Noah has been pestering me about it for the past month."

"Well you're a hard shell to crack, huh. You really don't strike me as one to open up at all."

"I'm not. ... But I gotta start somewhere. I mean, it's nearly been a month."


"Since you came...or were brought here." He scoffed.

"Hm." I rolled my eyes. "How do you even remember that?"

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